Chapter Three:

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Chapter Three:

I pulled up to the dingy apartment complex that Ty gave me directions to. I swear he must be pulling my leg and this is all some joke because there is no way he would live here. Suncoast Apartments was in the not so likable part of town. I hated coming to this part of town and avoided it like the plague, there were always people just hanging around on the streets and this was a well-known hotspot for drug trafficking.

From what I knew about Ty Caiona is that his parents were not wealthy but they weren’t bad off, just like my family. His mom was an elementary school teacher and his father was a firefighter for the local fire department. So I couldn’t imagine why they would live in one of these run down apartments instead of a nice simple house on the better part of town, again like my family.

We have a really nice three bedroom house close to my mom’s work. She works the overnight shift at the general Hospital so it was convenient for her to live close. Maybe this is some cruel joke he’s playing…it doesn’t add up. Or maybe he thinks he will get a kick out of watching me get robbed or hunted down like prey. Ish…Just the thought sends shivers down my spine. I really do not like this neighborhood.

I walked up the decrepit stairs that would probably give away underneath me at some point and passed door by door until I reached my destination-22C. Rapping on the chipped door lightly I waited for someone to answer it; I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder every few seconds just in case. It’s not like I have a lot of money on me or valuables but I really don’t fancy being mugged. The door swung up and Ty was leaning against the door frame, looking like his usual confident and cocky self. He had his usual crew cut and his glasses were no longer slipping down his long nose. I guess the hair was a wig.

“Are you going to come in or keep looking around like your paranoid?” He smirked and grabbed my wrist gently pulling me in.

“I’m going to be blunt. Why the heck do you live here?”

“Just because…” He trailed off and shoved me towards the small living room which only held a hideous checkered couch and a TV. I was just a little afraid to sit on the couch. It looked like it might eat me alive and lord only knows what’s been on it. After all Ty Caiona owns it…Ew, I can only imagine and the images aren’t pretty.

“Where are you parents?” I couldn’t help but wonder where they are at since from what I see of the living room and the kitchen, it looks like he is the only one to live in this dump, which is strange since he isn’t eighteen yet. He isn’t much older than me and I don’t turn eighteen until a few days before we graduate.

“They live somewhere else. I live alone for the time being.” He shrugged it off and trudged towards the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” He looked over his shoulder at me as he started pulling things out of the cabinets and fridge.

“Yea I haven’t had dinner.” I replied. “So are you emancipated or something?”

“Something like that.” When he spoke I knew that it was just best to leave it alone. He didn’t seem to want to talk about it at all.

Walking into the kitchen I sat myself down on one of the barstools and quietly watched him start cutting up some kind of meat and throwing it into the pan. His forehead creased as he concentrated on slicing perfect even slices. As if he knew I was just watching him he looked up and flashed me a grin. “I’m making fajitas just so you know. I’ve always wanted to try out my grandma’s recipe.”

“Sounds good, do you like to cook?”

“Nah, I know how to but it’s not something I’ve got a big interest in. I just think cooking is relaxing.” The way a small content smile played across his full, rosy pink lips as he took precise care in preparing every little thing was an indication that he was lying about how much he really likes cooking. So the pretty boy is a closet cook, who would have thought? I wonder if he bakes too. Now that would be awesome. I love anything sweet, give me cookies and I’ll be your best friend for life.

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