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*Six Months Later*

“Jay Jay, you have a visitor!” Avarie yelled up the stairs. I was a little mind boggled about who could be visiting me this late in the evening. Kamryn was out of town touring colleges and Jayce was at some smart camp practicing his counselors skills.

Poking my head out the door of my room I yelled down to my annoying sister. “Who is it?”

“It’s me.”

My heart stopped when I heard that deep voice carrying up the stairs. I could hear the sound of his foot steps coming up the stairs. Each step matched the beat of my heart as it slowly started beating once again. It’s been so long since I’ve heard that voice. Ty…

“Hey…” He muttered when he reached my door. “Can we talk? Please?”

“I guess it’s time to huh?” Shrugging, I motioned for him to come in. He took a seat at the desk and spun around a few times in the chair before settling down and facing me.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence he finally spoke. “Look…” He pulled a hand down his face and took a deep breath, “I never meant to hurt you Jay, and I never meant to fall in love with you…but I did. When I said I was pretending to be someone I’m not…I didn’t mean it the way you thought.”

“And what way did you mean it?”

“It was a Student Council thing…I changed my looks and pretended to be a nerd, but I wasn’t pretending to be someone I wasn’t.”

I was a little confused at his words, all I know was that seeing him and hearing him has torn open the wound that was just beginning to heal, and it made me a little angry. “Everything I learned about you was a lie! You only did it to prove a stupid point! Everything was a lie and I believed it!”

He stood up and crossed the room, taking my hand in his. “Jay…Everything you found out about me was the truth…Well except the deal about me reading…I actually don’t like to read. Nothing was an act with you, I swear. I was the real me with you, not the Ty Caiona everyone knows around school, or the new guy Bryce. I should have told you from the start, but the Council made us promise not to say anything.” He paused and sat next to me on the bed. Pulling my face towards his, he whispered, “I love you Jaidyn. No lies, no games, this is me being real, I love you.”

I felt myself pulling away as my brain tried to catch up with my heart. I couldn’t figure out which one to trust. My head was saying no but my heart was telling me to forgive and give him another chance.

“Please Jaidyn, I’m so sorry about what happened. I will do anything to make it up to you and keep making it up to you until you forgive me, I promise.” He pleaded.

Smiling I knew just the right thing to do. Listen to my heart like my Mama always says. “You can start making it up to me by watching Magic Mike with me tomorrow night.”

A beautiful smile appeared on his face, “Sounds like a plan.” He stood up and walked towards the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“It’s a date.” I replied and watched as he walked out the door. Not even a minute after I heard his car start, my phone lit up with a message. Clicking it opened I couldn’t help but smile.

“I love you.”

Typing in my reply of loving him to, I felt excited for the first time in over a month and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to start our new beginning.

He Lied, She BelievedWhere stories live. Discover now