Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

I made it to school five minutes before the first bell rang. I stayed up to late last night trying to do all my homework and woke up late this morning. Avarie even left without me so I ended up having to drive myself to school. Running to my locker I grabbed my books for History and took off down the hallway to the classroom making it inside just as the final bell rang.

I took my seat at the back and turned to Kamryn who luckily shared most of my classes with me. “Hey Kam.”

“Hi Miss Almost Tardy Pants.” She smirked. “Who would have thought that nerdy Jay would almost be late to class for the first time in four years.”

“Oh shut it. I woke up late.” I flipped open my history book and pulled my homework out of my bag.

She just smiled and turned her attention to the teacher.


After class we parted ways and I walked all the way back to my locker to exchange my History book out for my Creative Writing one. After grabbing in and slamming my locker shut I turned to make my way up stairs to my next class when I saw Ty walking past me.

Grabbing his arm I gave him a smile. “Hey you.”

“Hi.” He pulled his arm out of mine and started to resume walking in the direction he was heading.

“What’s wrong Ty?” I asked softly careful to not let anyone around hear me call him Ty.

He spun around on his heel and narrowed his eyes. “You wouldn’t understand. Leave me alone. I’m not in a good mood right now.”

“What do you mean I wouldn’t understand? Is it about the whole secret identity thing? Is that why?” I don’t like being lashed out at for no reason and now I felt myself slipping into a bad mood too because of him.

“Nothing is wrong!” He snapped.

“Oh so now you’re lying to me now too? Obviously there is something wrong with you Mr. I have an attitude for no reason.”

He took a few steps closer to me and his eyes hardened. “Like I said, you wouldn’t understand what is going on.”

“I’m supposed to be your friend, you should want to share what’s going on that has you so riled up. I could help you or at least try and get you in a better mood because that’s what friends do.”

“You couldn’t help me even if you tried.” He hissed and spun on his heel to head towards his locker.

This time I didn’t stop him and just let him go. I don’t understand what his problem is. He was perfectly fine yesterday at my house and now the next day he is acting like a jerk for no reason.

Shrugging I headed off towards my class.


I avoided going to the library during the first part of lunch for the first time since I’ve stepped foot in this high school. It was almost painful not to go there like I do every day but I didn’t want to face Ty in case he was in there like he has been for the last month and a half. I knew it was childish to give him the cold shoulder but I was hurt. I hate that he won’t tell me what is wrong and what’s bothering him. We have been getting really close and I thought that he trusted me. I guess he still doesn’t.

I went directly to the cafeteria and ended up eating by myself because none of my friends show up until around the time I usually do-halfway through lunch. Kamryn has her tutoring, Avarie has drama club meetings, and Jayce and Ryan hang out with their guy friends for the first half and us the second half of lunch.

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