Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

“Come on Jay please?” Ty was down on his knees begging. A little pout adorned his face, but I was relentless and would not give in to that adorable look. He was trying to force me to go and see some movie that just came out that was apparently super scary. I do not do well with scary. If I go I will have nightmares for weeks and there goes my sleep which will in effect bring down my grades because I will be too tired to concentrate.

“No.” My voice was firm, letting him know that I was serious.

“I promise I’ll protect you from the big bad scary monsters that don’t exist. Hell- I’ll even stay with you tonight if you need me to?” He whined.=

“My parents would kill you, Ty.”

He let out a soft chuckle before throwing himself across my bed. He spends most of his time over at my house now. It’s been six weeks since the day I confronted him about who he really was and since then he’s become permanently attached to my hip. I couldn’t get rid of him if I tried. But it was really nice to spend time with him and he always made me laugh and just let go and have fun. Like when we went bowling.

He had danced around like a manic singing, “You can’t touch this.” Just because he had won three out of the three games we had played.

Not my fault that I can’t bowl. My hand eye coordination is not up to par.

“Please?” He begged again as he trailed a finger down my arm. He looked so sad that I couldn’t help but nod my head.

“I guess I can. But would you really stay with me tonight in case I have a nightmare? I guess I could sneak you in. If we get caught at least my parents won’t kill me since I never break any rules of theirs.”

“You know I would. I’ll protect you with my guns of steel.” He flexed his arms. I couldn’t resist the urge to reach out and squeeze his arm.

“Not bad.”

He flashed me a grin and yanked me off the bed with him. “Go get ready. It’s going to start soon.” After pushing me towards the bathroom he walked over to my closet and started looking through my clothes.

“What are you doing?” I shouted from the bathroom.

“Finding you something to wear.” He answered after a few seconds.

“You know I can pick out my own clothes right? I’m a big girl.”

“I want to pick them out.”

“Are you sure you’re not gay?” I couldn’t help but giggle. I know he isn’t but its fun to get a rise out of him about it.

“God dang it Jay I am not gay! I can prove it if you want?” He smirked as he appeared in the bathroom door holding a bunched up ball of pink. I don’t remember anything in my closest that is pink. I absolutely hate that color. I’m more of a blue and green kind of girl. Must be something of Avarie’s that mom mixed up.

“How are you going to prove it? And what are you holding? You know I don’t like pink.” I raised an eyebrow and tried to grab the unknown ball of cloth out of his hands.

He took ahold of my wrist and pulled me towards him, crashing me into his hard chest. Gazing down at me he moved his face down towards mine until he was less than an inch away. I let my gaze flicker from his eyes to his soft inviting lips. Licking my own lips I inhaled sharply.

“I could kiss you.” He whispered as he trailed the back of his hand down my cheek.

Oh please kiss me no more teasing just do it already! I stood still waiting to see what his next action was. His lips pulled up in a breathtaking smile as he planted a soft kiss on my nose and backed away.

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