Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

I tried to stretch as I woke up by I was restricted by a tan arm around my waist. Shaking my head I realized that I was definitely not dreaming. My eyes trailed up the misplaced arm and to the sleeping face of…Ty? Why is he in the bed with me, I thought that he was supposed to sleep on the floor. I’m surprised my dad didn’t flip out when he came to check up on us sometime while we were sleeping.

He looked so peaceful as he slept. He had such a baby face and I found that extremely attractive. His long lashes fluttered as I stared at him. “It’s rude to stare.” His husky voice scared me and I tried to move away from him quickly but it didn’t work out as I planned and we ended up tumbling off the bed with me landing on top of him. His arms automatically snaked around my waist holding me in place.

“Well this is a nice wake up call.” He chuckled as I gazed down, mesmerized by his breath taking eyes.

“Why were you in bed with me?”

“You were crying out in your sleep and I tried to wake you up but all you did was tell me to stop the zombies from trying to eat you and you ended up pulling me into the bed and wouldn’t let me go.” He rolled us over to where he was propped up on his hands, hovering above me our bodies were a hairs width apart.

“Oh yeah…I’m kind of a heavy sleeper.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Of course you are doll. You just wanted me in bed with you.” He smirked as he pushed himself off of me. I frowned at the sudden loss of warmth from our close contact.

That boy really needs to stop teasing me. His not so subtle flirting really makes me just want to kiss him senseless. One of these times I’m not going to be able to hold myself back. I stood up and looked at the time. “Want to go give Avarie a nice wakeup call?”

He caught the evil gleam in my eye and rubbed his hands together. “I love a good prank.”

“Know of anything that is loud and annoying?”

“I have the perfect ringtone in my phone that is very loud and very annoying. It’s some Arabic guy whose voice is just annoying.” He chuckled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

I nodded and pulled him with me to Avarie’s room, opening the door quietly we walked in and over to her bed where she was sleeping soundly. I nodded at Ty and he pressed play on his phone. As soon as the screeching came out of his phone Ave shot up like she was on fire and looked around wildly before she finally focused in on Ty and I who were clutching our stomachs with laughter.

“You two are…are…jerks!” She screeched as she hopped out of her bed and attempted to tackle me.

Dodging her I ran out of her room with Ty hot on my heels and locked us inside of my room. I could hear Avarie yelling all the way from down the hallway. Not even a few minutes of her yelling coming to a halt there was a firm knock on my door.

“Jaidyn Ellis you better open this door right now. Your sister politely told me that you two were fornicating in there.” My dad’s angry voice drifted through the door. Dang he sounds pissed. Stupid Avarie of course she would tattle on me and try to get me in trouble for waking her up out of her beauty sleep.

Unlocking the door and throwing it open I was met with my dad’s extremely red face. I’m sure he had gotten balder too with the way he had one hand tugging on what was left of his brown hair.

“Chill dad. We just woke Avarie up in a not so nice way and she wanted to get me in trouble. Look.” I said pointing between Ty and I, “We are both fully dressed he is on the chair and I am standing at the door talking to you. I’m pretty sure we weren’t doing anything we weren’t supposed to.”

“You better not be.” He shook a finger in my face and let out a sigh. “You girls drive me insane. I swear I’m going to be put in the looney bin soon because of you two.” Shaking his head he walked off back to the living room muttering to himself.

“Your sister is evil.” Ty chuckled as he spun himself around in my computer chair.

“Tell me about it.”

“Damn, I thought you would have gotten grounded for sure.” Avarie’s frowning face appeared in front of me.

“Nice try Ave.” I giggled.

“What are you guys planning to do today?” She pushed me aside and waltz into my room like she owned the place, throwing herself down onto my bed.

“We don’t have anything planned.” Ty spoke up.

“Let’s play my Wii then. I bet that I can beat ya’ll in Mario cart!”

Ty and I agreed and went to go eat breakfast before getting sucked into the video game world for a few hours.


After Ty went home Ave and I just chilled in her room reading her fashion magazines and talking about school.

“Bryce is nice. I like him and I think he is good for you.” She flashed me a grin as she flipped the page of her magazine.

“What do you mean he is good for me?”

“Oh come on, you can totally tell he is into you! Do you see the way he looks at you? It’s like the ‘he has never seen anything more beautiful in his life’ kind of look.” What she means by that I have no idea but that’s Avarie for you. She never makes any sense.

“Sure thing Ave.”

“I’m serious Jay Jay, that boy has the hots for you. He likes you. And I know you are starting to like him too. You flirt with him!”

“So what? We flirt with each other all the time but that doesn’t mean he likes me.”

“So you don’t denying liking him?”

“There is no denying anything with you Avarie.” I muttered sarcastically.

“Whatever. Believe me or not but Bryce Acklin likes you.” She giggled throwing her magazine off to the side.

I had to catch myself because I almost corrected her and told her his name wasn’t Bryce it was Ty. I really need to be more careful and remember that to everyone but me he is Bryce, the new nerd from New York.

“Well I’m going to go do homework.” I stood up and walked out her room to mine and started in on the homework that I had let lay around unfinished the whole weekend. That boy is bad for my health; he has me putting off my homework until the last minute. Not a good thing.

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