Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: May 24th, 2011

I spent hours looking for Ty It seemed, I tried his apartment but my pathetic knocks weren’t answered, I went to his favorite hole in the wall coffee shop, Morty’s. I even tried the soccer field, hoping to maybe catch him practicing. It’s like he vanished in thin air. Or maybe he just didn’t want to be found. We don’t live in a big town at all but I guess if you don’t want to be found then you can still disappear. You would think that since he wanted to talk so bad, he would have given me some way to find him or he would have popped up again…But he didn’t. His cell was even turned off which is very unlike him. He loves his phone, I never see him without it.

College wasn’t ready to start for nearly two months so I know he didn’t already leave. He doesn’t even have a college picked out yet. He was accepted into both OSU and OU but he just didn’t know which one he wanted to go to. After sitting in the bleachers at the school for what seemed like forever I finally waved my white flag and called Jayce as I drove away from the school and towards my house, knowing that my tech friend would surely be able to help me track Ty down somehow. Once I arrived at the house Jayce was standing on my front lawn, yacking away on his cell. He closed his phone as I came to a stop in front of him.

“That was Rylan, I told him we were coming by to chat.” Jayce shrugged as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to his truck.

Once I climbed in I turned to face him, “Why are we going to see him?”

“He is Ty’s best friend so I’m pretty sure he will know where he is at.” He looked at me like I was crazy. I didn’t even think to ask Rylan. It’s been hell and all I could think about was my humiliation and my broken heart. I just wanted answers.


We pulled up in front of Rylan’s house to see him standing outside leaning against his bike picking at his nails in an uninterested way. He straightened up as we walked up to him and raised an eyebrow. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Where is Ty?” I got straight to the point. I wasn’t in the mood for small talk. I just wanted to know where he was so I could get my answers and move on and slowly stop this numbness that’s taking over my body.

Rylan let out a forced chuckle, “Finally going to listen to him?”

“Just answer her.” Jayce’s tone was laced with venom. They still seem to have the same grudge against each other since middle school. They really just need to grow up and get over themselves. I don’t want to deal with their drama too.

 “He’s pretty down Jaidyn. You should have just heard him out when he stopped by your house. He really does care for you…you know?” Rylan sighed, trailing a finger along the seat of his bike.

“Do you know where I can find him?” I tried again. I didn’t want to hear about how much he cares or cared for me. If he did then why did he do it? Why did he destroy me?

“He’s been at the lake all day, but he should be at his apartment now.” Rylan offered reluctantly.

I nodded and turned to walk away. Rylan’s large hand whipped out and grabbed my wrist. “Please just listen to him Jaidyn. I can’t stand to see my best friend so down.”

Shaking his hand off I gave him the meanest look I could muster which was hard since I was on the verge of tears again. “It’s not my fault.”

He shook his head in disappointment and waved us off in silence. Once back in the truck Jayce turned to look at me, deep with concern. “Jay…I know that things are rough for you right now but it will get better, I promise.”

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