Chapter 8

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I Ran Away to Vegas, Got Kidnapped By One of the Hottest Bands in the World, and Now I'm Wanted - Dead or Alive - By All Their Fan Girls ... Can My Life Get Any Worse?! (Boy x Boy): Part 8

-Ikuto's POV-

               Cammeron, Clarissa, and Devin barley had enough time to change, throw their wigs on and rush through make up before they were shoved on stage. Devin immediately grabbed the mike while Clarissa ran for her place next to Shane as the back up vocals. Roth was furthest the stage, holding a double neck guitar.

"Cammeron, you're on!" Lance tried to hurry him up but he was too busy looking around for something. "What's wrong?!" The guy was screaming his head off, the vein just above his eye bulging as if it would explode at any second.

"I can't find my drumsticks." He dove head first into a large circular container, which I was guessing was his drum case. "I had them yesterday."

Lance pulled him out and shook I'm roughly. "Stop acting like an idiot, they're with your drums. Now get!" He shoved Cammeron onto the stage. Judging by how protective Devin was of Cammeron I didn't think he would appreciate the way Lance had handled him, I don't think Cammeron liked it either. Why did he put up with it?

"Hey!" I walked up to the man; he was just a little taller than me but not by much.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Oh great, the mistake talks. What do you want?"

"Stop treating Cam that way. Just because he doesn't do anything doesn't mean you have the right to belittle him." Everyone had begun to play in the background, droning out Lance's voice a bit.

"You need to stay out of it. As soon as they leave here, he'll never see you again. So take your story to the press and leave my band alone!" He flipped open his phone and began dialing numbers.

"You're wrong. You're just jealous because you can't do this yourself aren't you?" I stood my ground, refusing to back down. I had to stand up for Cammeron if he wasn't going to do it himself.

"Security, get this kid out of here!" He yelled. A tall man dressed in a dark uniform walked up, his eyes glaring at me.

"Do you have a backstage pass?" He grumbled.

I didn't. The one Garrett gave me was back at his apartment and I had come in Cam. "No, but I came in with Cam, Devin, and Clarissa." He grabbed the upper portion of my arm and led me over to the stairs that lead to the auditorium, where the rest of the fans were.

"I'm sorry, I know you came in with them but rules are rules." He pushed the door open and I was face to face with the crowd.

"It's him!" Someone screamed. Suddenly, all eyes were on me. "Get him!" Someone else yelled. They all advance toward me, I ran for the door. The band stop playing, realizing something was up when half the crowd was now heading for the door.

"Ikuto!" Cammeron yelled. I wasn't sure where it was coming. There were girls everywhere! Why did they want me so badly anyway? Because Cammeron kissed me in front of everyone - because it was rumored that we were dating, this wasn't really a rumor.

I pushed through the club door, the city lights temporarily blinding me. I could still hear everyone behind me - loud and clear. I was only a few blocks away from Garrett's place but I couldn't lead everyone there, he would kill me. "Car! HEY KID, GET OUT OF THE STREET!" I was hit, pain exploded over the entire left side of my body. I got the feeling of flying, my feet were no longer touching the ground and for a second, I thought I was dead. Then I hit the pavement, girls' scream and the car's tires screeching filled my ears. I cringed and tried to cover my head but I couldn't move my arms. Tears slipped from my eyes unwillingly as my eyesight got thinner before I couldn't see anything at all. Where was Cammeron?

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