Chapter 14

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I Ran Away to Vegas and Got Kidnapped...Can My Life Get Any Worse?! (Boy x Boy) - 14

Cammeron's POV

               Clary stood over me, seeming to intimidate me with her loveless glare. "How could you do this to the band?!" She tightly crossed her arms over her chest.

I slumped deeper into my chair. "Clary, I never wanted to join the band in the first place." I reminded,

She pursed her lips together, her cheeks blushing a bright red. "This is all because of that dude from the concert! You can't punish the band because of him."

"I'm not 'punishing the band!'" I snapped, feeling the need to defend Ikuto. "I'm quitting the band because I want to!"


"Stop it, Clary." Devin walked into the den, Wrath and Shane right behind him. "It's his choice."

"Yeah, if he wants to give up the fame it's his call."

Devin looked over at his band member, "Shut-up Steven." He barked, calling Wrath by his real name.

Wrath sat silent in the chair while Clary stomped out of the room.

"You're doing this because you want to right? Not because of Ikuto?" Devin sat on the couch next to me.

I looked at my older step brother, "He's going to Kingston High. He's hanging out with Harper and that little emo girl." I sneered.

"I thought everything was going good with you guys."

I threw my head into my hands. "I did too." My eyes started to sting but I wouldn't let myself cry anymore. I stormed out of the room and down the stairs, my mom and Devin's dad sitting at the dinner table.

"Hi sweetie." She smiled brightly at me as Van took her hand under the table.

I ran my hand through my hair and quietly counted to three in my head. "Can I borrow the car?"

She hesitated before handing over her keys. "You know the rules and put your seat belt on!" She yelled after me. I was already to the door, pushing myself out of the house and allowing the bright afternoon sun rest on my skin. I walked over to the old, faded blue car and snubbed my nose. It had seen better years but having this was better than not having a car at all. I sat down in the driver's seat and pulled out my cell phone, a picture of Ikuto greeting me. He didn't know I had snapped the picture - heck, if he would have known he probably would have killed me. I dialed his number from memory and waited for the answering machine that never came.

"Hellow?" It wasn't Ikuto's voice but it was his phone.

"Hi, is Ikuto there?" I asked the child.

There was shuffling in the background before I heard his voice again. "Who is it Kyoya - Hello?" My words caught for a second. After all the calls I had made, I never knew exactly what I would say.

"Hey Ikuto." I failed at my attempt at casual.

"Cam, I told you to stop calling me." He sounded tired.

"I know but -"

There was a screaming in the background, causing Ikuto to groan as if he was in pain. "I can't talk about this right now. Please stop calling me." The line went dead and I could feel my heart crack.

I sat in the car for a while, my eyes watering and burning all at once. "Hey Homo!" I cringed at the voice I hadn't heard since Devin humiliated him in the school hall a couple of years ago. "You still crying?!" His sadistic laughter filled my ears.

I balled my fists as my temper started to rise. "Shut up!" I yelled, loosing the last once of control I currently possessed. "Shut the fuck up!"

He walked up to the car, ignoring my warnings. "Oh, I'm so scared."

"Where's your posse - are they finally sick of putting up with you?" I sneered.

He grabbed the front of my shirt and partially pulled me out of the car. "Say that again." I stared into the face of my past bully - Josh.

"Suck it!" I hissed, twisting his wrist and throwing my weight against him - causing him to fall back. I straddled his hips and let my anger out. My fists flew: one for everything he's down to me, one for having to put up with it, and lastly - one for my pride. I wasn't the same scared little boy that needed his big brother to fight his battles. I could fight my own battles and I was doing it in a blind furry. My fists screamed with every impact but I ignored them, feeding off Josh's whimpers as he limply fought against me.

"Cammeron! Cammeron, stop it!" My mom and sister screamed. Hands grabbed at each of my arms, lifting me off my enemy.

"Calm down Cam, you're okay." Devin whispered in my ear, my nerves finally calming down.

My cheeks were wet with blood and tears by time I got back into the house. "What happened?" My mom spoke sternly.

Devin was working on bandaging my busted knuckles. I winced as he dabbed a cotton ball filled with peroxide on them. "I lost it." That was all I could say, I had no real excuse for why I snapped.

"That's not good enough Cammeron. You just beat up an innocent kid - you broke his nose!" Innocent? If she thought Joshua Manson was innocent she obviously wasn't that invested.

"Mom, he bullied me for six years - innocent is the last thing he is. He grabbed my shirt and I lost it."

Her eyes went straight to pity and concern. "You were bullied - for six years?"

"Yes mom. All those black eyes and bruises, where do you think I got them?" She bit on her thumb and I could visibly see the guilt that had begun to crash down on her.

"We're going back to England this weekend." She walked away, Van running after her.

Devin watched them go then moved his chair so he was sitting in front of me. "I was watching you from upstairs. I'm proud of you kid." He smiled, his pin thin scar dimpling.

"For what? I haven't done anything to be proud of."

He began on my other hand, "You stuck up for yourself. You wasn't going to let yourself get hurt like that again." He only knew the half of it.

I Ran Away to Vegas and Got Kidnapped... [Boy/Boy] - 2011Where stories live. Discover now