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All of this change is rattling your brain. You don't like change. Not now, not ever. You've been non-stop shaking since you heard Thea call you "mother". You couldn't tell Sting about your dream, or Thea's outburst.

"____________! You're shaking!" Levy's hand hovered above you're own. You never thought the day would come but, you were afraid of your child.

You always had to have someone with you, you couldn't even go to the bathroom alone because every 15 minutes you would have a panic attack  or a mental breakdown like clockwork. Nobody could leave your side.

And as much as it pained you to be scared of Alithea, you flinched every time she smiled at you. It wasn't easy for her either. She was going through all these changes every day and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

You felt your internal organs start to twitch and you could feel a prick attack coming on. Your body shook more than normally, and you were doing better at controlling your screaming. Juvia, Lisanna, Lucy and Levy had to hold you down and it was no picnic for anyone.

After another uncomfortable experience, you slowly walked over to you freighting child who was crying next to Sylvia and Rin. Gathering up all the courage possible... you hugged Alithea and everyone was so shocked.

She stopped crying and slowly hugged you back, and you could tell she was currently fighting the demon inside her trying to take over.


Everything was changing in your life. You wondered what would happen if you could control fate instead of destiny. You had to leave the guild to think, and once you did, your panic attacks went away and you were finally at peace.

Sting must have followed you, because he sat on the roof of the bakery with you. "Man... Who knew an awesome guy and a girl could make such a deadly kid?" He sighed.

You punched him in the arm. "I'm the awesome one." You chuckled, silently thanking him for knowing just how to cheer you up. You've always missed his egotistic side, and it was harder to find now that he was older and a father.

"But seriously __________. I won't let anything happen to your friends our our family. I promise you that." He said kissing your forehead. You two sat on that roof for a long while before you were completely relaxed and you stopped shaking entirely.


You came back to the guild and in all honesty, everything seemed fine. Levy ran up to you with a giant smile on her face. "___________! I found a way to slow down Thea's transformation!" She laughed very proud of herself. You hugged her, and tears were forming in your eyes.

"Mama mama! The voices stopped!" Thea danced around you, very glad she was almost back to normal. Her hair was still black, which you frowned at but at least she was mentally stable for now.

It seemed like everyone wanted your attention because Eric pulled you to the side. "Mama..." He started playing with his fingers the way you do when you're nervous. "Um... C-can I tell you a secret?"

You nodded. "Of course. You can always tell me anything." You squatted down to his level.

He hesitated. "I... I think I'm gay." He says looking down at the floor.

You were a little taken aback that it took him this long to tell you this, but none the less you smiled wider at him. "Great!"

He stared astonished at your answer. "Y-you're not mad?"

"Of course not! Im glad you found who you are and opened up to me about it, I think that's the best thing a person can do." You ruffled his hair. "Anyone particular you've had your eye on?"

He blushed a little and nodded. "I like Nash." He looked away. You and the other adults made it your business to know who your children liked, but Eric always lied and said he didn't like anyone. Nash didn't have a crush either, not that you knew of.

You nodded and stood up. "I'm gonna tell Aunt Lucy and uncle Natsu if that's okay." You said to him, and he nodded, knowing you wouldn't tell anyone but them.

You'd strode over to the happy couple, giddy and smooth at the same time. "Guys, I have to tell you and ask you something." You whispered to them.

"Sure ___________. What is it?" Lucy asked you, happy you were feeling better.

"So Eric just told me that he's gay and that he likes Nash. But I don't think you've ever told Mira or me who Nash likes." You said in a very serious tone.

The Dragneels just looked at each other and smirked. "Nash swings both ways when it come to love, but he didn't think he'd find love in the guild since most of the other kids are with each other." Lucy responded.

"Maybe we should get them together. I'd be pretty cute." Natsu nodded, and you were very surprised he went along with this. You ginned and slipped back over to your son.

"So it turns out Nash is bisexual, which means there's a potential chance he could be into you." You clapped your hands.

Eric's eyes widened. "Really?" He snuck a glance at his crush sitting by his sister who was snuggling with Storm. "Thanks mom! I'll go ask him now!"

Your face scrunched up. "''mom'? What happened to Mama?" You asked.

"I'm trying to be more mature mom." He winked and walked away. 'Too fast sweetheart. Too fast.'

A/N: So I kinda wanted to add something lighthearted into the story since it's all gloomy now.

Morgan: good

A/N: plus i hate it when someone doesn't end up with somebody else; like I have Cana married to the Bacus guy from Quatro Cerberus-

Elfman: Puppy

A/N: AHEM. Because I don't want her alone

Erza: couldn't find anyone for Nash?

A/N: nope! And as much as I love twincest, I'm not having it in my story.

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