Closing Curtains (A/N)

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You know what that title means! Don't worry, the series is not over. I'm thinking of ending this as a trilogy and the 3rd book will be centered around Dunya, Sting, and the baby. Now, that's not to say that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth won't be in it, it's just they'll be side characters.

The last chapter was the final for the book. The third book will most likely be Golden With Envy or something like that. I'll let you guys know,

Morgan: the time skip will be 5 years!

Levy: and things will change!

Gray: but don't be alarmed

Rouge: because we'll always be with you

Mavis: Even when it seems bleak

Zera: The road ahead is bright!

Lucy: So keep your head up

Natsu: and Smile!

Dunya: we love you guys!

Sting: Thanks for reading!

Lisanna: Stay tuned for the third book!

Juvia: because it will be coming out soon!

A/N: really, thank you for voting and commenting, and I appreciate all that you do for me! You made this possible.


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