A Strange Vacation We Go (OVA)

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"As of now, everyone is considered single and everyone is fair game. Nobody can get mad if your partner sleeps with someone. Clear?" Freed announced.

"Clear." You all responded. Freed suddenly decided that Fairy Tail and close friends at Sabertooth should go on vacation to a nearby island.

Because Natsu's kids, Gale, and your kids are part dragon-slayer, they too get motion sickness but isn't nearly as bad.

"So Juvia, you cannot get mad." You held her hand and squeezed already knowing she was not happy about this.

"Are we almost there?" Nova whined and you had a feeing that they weren't going to venture off like the rest of you.

"Yes yes, we're almost there." Freed nodded and you saw him glance at the sleeping Laxus and then you realized that the reason he was doing this was because of Laxus!

"So... What's going on here?" A voice came up from the deck below.

"Oh hi Dunya!" Wendy waved and you tensed up.

"Dunya?" You hissed and turned around slowly to see that indeed she was your sister, and she was there.

"Dunya joined our guild yesterday. You know, she kind of looks like you ___________." Levy commented.

You crossed your arms and huffed. "That's because she's my twin sister." You let the cat out of the bag without hesitation.

Your friends and family gasped. "You never told us you had a sister!"

"BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!" You screamed over the commotion. Everyone recoiled. "We were staying with my mom after our dad left and we went outside to play. She fell onto some rocks and he bleeding wouldn't stop and I couldn't feel a pulse. I was 10 years old."

"Well I'm not dead don't throw a pity party." Dunya tossed her brown hair behind her shoulder.

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

"No Dunya I actually hate you. And our parents. You crossed the line when you ruined my family time when you stopped me the other day!" You threw your hands up in the air.

"____________... Do you have any family members you don't hate?" Erza asked.

"You guys!" You burst out. The boat made contact with the sand and you immediately  jumped off.

A/N: This is the first part of the ova

Morgan: yup

Lucy: you're totally evil

A/N: I know

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