A.S.V.W.G (OVA) (Pt. 2)

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You walked throw the forest in anger, just wanting to get through these four days. A hand grabbed yours and you screamed.

"Oh holly shit calm down!" Gray cursed for the first time ever.

"Oh Gray... It's you." Your heartbeat slowed down.

Before you could get another word out, he pressed his lips to yours and your heart rate rose again.

'Why is he kissing me?! Does he love me? Oh what is Sting going to think?! Wait he can't legally be mad because of the rule Freed established... Did he use runes?' Thoughts ran through your mind when Gray pulled back.

"Something wrong ___________?" A look of dissatisfaction passed his face and was gone in an instant.

"Um... I'm just not emotionally into all of this right now. What with my sister coming to the guild and shit." You put some distance between you and rub your arms.

Two hands wrap around your shoulders and you tense up in fear and silently please for Gray to help you. "Natsu, can't you see we're talking?" Gray scowls and you relax.

"Why talk to the ice princess when you could talk to me?" Natsu seductively whispers in your ear which turns you the fuck on.

"I... Uh..."

"I was here first flametard!" Gray's shirt and pants were hanging from a nearby tree and (you didn't know it was possible) but that turned you on even more.

"Both of you step aside." Rouge came up from a bush.

'Wait... Is this gonna be one of those nasty-ass hentai's were a girl has like 5o dicks on her? That's gonna be gross...' You wrinkled your nose.

"_____________." The three said.

You pulled away from Natsu and stood back, backing slowly away from them with your arms outstretched to block them off. (You know. Jurassic World stuff)

"Guys... I'm like... Super turned on right now but I don't think I can do this to Sting..." You run into a tree.

"That's the point." Natsu licks his lips.

"You mean like Sting and Yukino are getting it on as we speak?" Rouge stops. You furrow your eyebrows and think about the dream you had a while ago.

Tears were threatening to spill and you could see Gray and Natsu angrily staring back at Rouge. You wiped your eyes and grabbed Natsu's hand, then Gray's leaving Rouge behind.

The boys didn't say anything as you lead them through the island, walking around until you found Lucy. She was sitting alone sighing to herself.

You flung Gray at her and they gasped. Natsu's hand gripped yours and you could tell he was angry that Gray and Lucy would be together.

You went a ways away from anyone and pushed Natsu against a large tree and firmly kissed him in the lips. His hands wrapped around your waist and suddenly you didn't feel like you needed to get back at Sting, but you were doing it because you wanted to.


"So cute." You smiled at the dragonslayer sleeping on the ground. You thought it rude to leave him there by himself, so you waited for him to wake up.

He stirred himself enough to open his eyes. "Hey..." You smiled down at him. He sat up and scratched his head. "Hi..."

It got super awkward between you so you stood up. "So... Now that you're awake I'm gonna go. Try to find the twins... And Thea." You stood up and started to go.

"Wait... Why did you do it? Just to get back at Sting?" Natsu frowns.

"No... Well, at first I did but then I realized I wanted to." You answered honestly. "See you around." You walk off.

A/N: Don't be mad at me. You did this to yourself.

Morgan: But you control everyone's actions

Lucy: Wait, what if everyone gets pregnant? What's going to happen then?

A/N: only two parings will have to worry about that.


A/N: ...Um...


Gray: Who?

A/N: Ultear!

Morgan: And Jellal finally made it to Magnolia

Erza: Y-yeah

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