The Only Thing To Fear

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After you and Sting had exited the closet, you were horrified to see Sabertooth in ruins. Parts of the second floor was on the first, members were under debris, some knocked out. You were at a loss of words when your eyes shifted to the being at the front of the guild.

"You!" Sting growled and stepped infront of you immediately going into his dragon force. You were in such shock when you remembered that you needed to find your children. While Korozomo and Sting were fighting, you flipped over rocks and debris trying to save those Alice and find your precious babies.

"Luna?! Eric?! Alithea?!" You called? Pushing away a fallen wall and still not finding them. You checked behind the bar where you found your kids and Raoul chronicling under the cabinets. You sighed with relief and kissed their foreheads. "Common, let's get out of here." You grabbed their hands and noticed that they weren't looking at you, but behind you.

You turned around when everything was in slow motion and a meaty hand wrapped around your neck. You couldn't breathe or speak as your tried to pry his hand off of you. Mouse-like squeaks escaped from your mouth and you noticed Sting lying on the floor back there.

Korozomo laughed and reached for Luna and that's when you totally lost it. You felt a strange power surge and you lifted your hand up and a force pushed the Lord away from you and into a wall. "Do not hurt my family." Your voice and a deeper one spike.

You opened the palm of your hand and a gold and white flame engulfed your hand and you threw it at him, lighting his body on fire. "Do not hurt my friends." You threw another fireball at him, but he used his strength to hurl a rock at your stomach putting out the fire.

"Mama!" One of your kids cried and you put a force bubble around the four kids and made it so only those with light, fire, ice, or space magic could shatter it from the outside. They beat their fist on the edge of the force field, trying to escape but you couldn't let anything happen to them.

The monster rose from the floor and charged at you, pushing you against the opposite wall and licking your face and neck. The sensation was utterly disgusting and you gagged which only made him force his tongue into your throat.

You blasted a beam into his chest and coughed and gasped for air, sticking your finger down your throat to throw up and remove the foul taste of his being all over the floor.

"Mama please..." Alithea was sobbing uncontrollably and she buried her face into the nearest chest that happened to be Raoul's.

When the hole in Korozomo's chest closed up and he grinned, fear took hold and that power surge was suddenly shut off and you screamed just before blacking out.


You sat up in a cold sweat dripping down your body and expected to be back at the edge of Fiore or farther, but you were in the Fairy Tail infirmary with Natsu, Gray and the gang standing over you.

"_____________..." Lucy's face softened and her shoulders relaxed. Juvia laid you back down and it was super uncomfortable because of the sweat.

"Where are the twins and Thea? Where's Raoul? Where's Sting?" You questioned as different scenarios ran through your head.

"Right here." Erza moved out of the way to show all five of the ones in question laying on cots. Your breathing slowed and you let your body relax even though you didn't know it tensed.

"You blacked out just before we got to Sabertooth." Mira whispered

"That guy was beaten up pretty bad. How did you do that?" Laxus crossed his arms as if he didn't believe you to be strong.

"He was going to hurt Lulu..." You looked at your daughter. "Then a strange source of power entered my body and suddenly I could use gold and white fire, and I was a lot stronger..." You sighed hating being interrogated all the time.

"That's known as the Keeper of Heaven's Gates." Jellal explained. "Your specific magic allows you to become much stronger when the one thing you hold closest to your heart is threatened by death. Mirajane can do it to, Keeper of Hell's gates, but she's never unlocked it because she doesn't get in a lot of life threatening fights."

"Anymore." Mira retorted.

You nodded and your eyes got droopy and you were very tired. "Don't let him... Get to them..." You yawned and fell asleep because a I has happened again.

'Why does everything happen to me?'

A/N: Hey guys guess what?

Fairy Tail: What?

A/N: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Well... this chapter is published on the 11th but my birthday is really the 12th

All Characters: HAPPY BIRTHDAY A/N!

A/N: thank you! I'm so happy I'm gonna see the Deadpool movie with some friends and I'm gonna go shopping and it's going to be an awesome day. Shout out to MissFiore for making a new cover for the book for me

Morgan: Real life me is so excited too!

A/N: I've never told you guys this, but Morgan is based off my best friend in the real world and they have the same personality, obviously different looks but in didn't want her to be the same exactly.

Sting: Cool. Happy b-day how old are you turning?

A/N: Thank chu! I'm 15 now!

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