Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up to my phone blaring. I groaned and sat up. I grabbed my phone. It was Bryan.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Rise and shine, sunshine." he said, excitedly.

"It's too early to be excited. Go back to sleep. Ssshhh. Sleepy sleepy." I said.

"Don't you even dare. You have to get up. You have to get ready and then go to catering. You need to eat. And then you have to be at the Monster Stage at 1:00." he said.

"Wow. You know my scheldule better than I do." I said.

"That's because you're not very good at remembering your own scheldule. Now get up. I'll text you later. LOve you. Bye." he said and hung up. Yeah. I love you, too, Bryan.

I got up and went to my little shower. I took a quick shower and then went to my little closet. I took out my red skinny jeans, a black tank-top, Johnnie's red and black checkered flannel, and black converse. I got dressed and then straightened my hair. I did my eyeliner and went back to my little room. I put on a bunch of bracelets on my right wrist. On my left wrist, I put a bracelet that Bryan gave me and a bracelet that Johnnie gave me. I put my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed a little black back pack. I put a black hoodie, a black beanie, a phone charger, my headphones, a bunch of pens and markers, some money, a few cans of Rockstars with reclosable lids, and a pack of pretzels in the bag. I put the back pack on and left the bus.

I had a pretty hard time finding the catering place. I had got a bowl of different fruits mixed together. I found a table and kept my head down as I ate. When I finished, it was only 10:30. I figured I'd go to Bryan's meet up. When I found his meet up, I was shocked. There was a lot of people there. I made my way through the crowd of people to the table that seperates Bryan from his fans. I went behind the table. Johnnie was there helping with merch. I went and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Em." he said.

"Hey. Is it always this crazy?" I asked.

"Pretty much." he said.

"I don't think I'll be able to say hey to Bryan at the moment. I guess I'll just wait for him to text me later like he said." I said.

"No. I'm sure he'll take a minute to say hey to you." he said.

I nodded and walked up to Bryan. I tried to hug him but he moved away. I stepped back.

"Not right now, Emory. I'm busy." Bryan said.

"I-I just wanted to say hey." I said.

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't have time. Go bother someone else." he said.

"Oh." I whispered.

I walked back around the table. I started walking away. I could hear Johnnie yelling at Bryan. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket. One new message. I unlocked my phone. It was from Johnnie.

'Are you okay?' he sent.

'I'm fine.' I sent back.

'Don't you dare lie to me. I know when you're upset. It's okay to be upset. Bryan shouldn't have done that.' he sent.

'It's just that he's never snapped at me like that. I just wanted to say hey. What did I do so wrong?' I sent.

'Nothing, Em. You did nothing wrong. Bryan's just under a lot of pressure right now. He gets like this at the beginning of tours. He's just trying to get used to tour scheldule again. He'll calm down soon.' he sent.

'Thanks for texting me, Johnnie. I needed something to calm me down and make me feel better.' I sent.

'I kinda thought would you be upset. It's not good for you to be upset before performing. And good luck. You should get to the monster stage. You go on in an hour. I'll be in the crowd.' he sent.

'Okay. Now I'm a little nervous about performing. Promise to be at the front if I start to panic?' I sent.

"Promise. Love you, Em.' he sent.

"Love you, too, Johnnie.' I sent back.

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