Chapter 6

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It was time for me to head to my stage. When I got there, they were already setting up. They gave me my earpiece and everything. It wasn't long before I went on stage. I took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. I only have half an hour on this stage. I started off by singing Sleepwalking (by BMTH). After that, I sung Break Your Little Heart (by ATL). After that, I sang Papercut (by Linkin Park). Then, I sung (Don't Fear) The Reaper (by PTV).

I was having fun jumping around and singing. I looked across the people in the front for Johnnie. He was standing between Bryan and Damon.

I sung I Write Sins Not Tragedies (by P!ATD). For my last song I sung Your Body (by Christina Aguilera).

I looked around at the crowd for a minute. Then, I walked backstage. I gave them my earpiece and walked over to Johnnie, who was waiting for me. He was standing between Damon and Bryan. I didn't expect Bryan to be here after what happened this morning. He looked upset, though.

"You were great, Emory." Johnnie said. Damon nodded.

"Thank you." I said.

"Can we talk, Em?" Bryan asked.

I nodded and followed him. We stopped in a quiet place. I waited for him to speak first.

"I'm sorry for this morning. I always get stressed out at the start of tours. It's just because I'm trying to adjust to tour life again. I'm really sorry, though." he said.

"It's okay. Johnnie explained everything to me. I forgive you." I said.

"Well, we have an hour to get ready." he said.

"Get ready? For what?" I asked.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. I get to interview you today. We'll be at your bus. Johnnie and Damon will be in the video." he said.

"Who's going to film?" I asked.

"Nobody. I'm going to put it on the tripod." he said.

I nodded. We went back to the stage and led Johnnie and Damon to my bus. We got on. Damon and Johnnie helped Bryan set everything up. When they were finished, they sat down. Bryan was on my right side and Johnnie was on my left side. Damon sat on the other side of Bryan.

"Hey guys. I'm Bryan Stars and I'm here with Emory from Lifehouse. Of course you guys know Damon and Johnnie. I think this interview will be a little different considering Emory is my little sister." Bryan explained.

"Awkward." Damon and Johnnie said.

"Yeah. So this is the only time I won't ask someone what their pornstar name would be." Bryan said.

"Emily." I said.

"What?" Bryan asked.

"Emily. That would be my pornstar name." I said.

He looked weirded out.

"Uhm. Okay then. Moving on. What inspired the name Lifehouse?" he asked while smirking.

"You and Johnnie. A lighthouse is what always led sailors back home. You guys are like my lighthouse. But then I thought, you guys have done more than just led me back to where I should be when I strayed away. You guys have saved my life. In more ways than one. So I just thought, Lifehouse." I explained.

They had always asked my inspiration for the name but I never told them. Bryan and Johnnie were tearing up.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Johnnie asked.

"This is a conversation for another time." I said.

He nodded. I looked to Bryan for the next question.

"Oh. Uhm." he started. He looked down at his list of questions. "I'm going to ask you some questions that your fans sent in. Keaton0246 wants to know your favorite color." Bryan said.

"Red." I answered.

"KatieLovesPTV wants to know your favorite band." Bryan said.

"Uhm, I've actually never been able to choose a favorite. They're all special to me in different ways. My bands range from Pierce The Veil to Blood On The Dance Floor. I put my music on shuffle and one minute I can be listening to Falling In Reverse and the next minute be listening to One Direction. I would never be able to choose a favorite." I said.

"That is so true." Johnnie said.

I smiled and nodded. I looked at Bryan.

"Alex747 wants to know when you became a vegetarian." Bryan said. I thought. It was 4 years ago.

"I can't remember. But it was 4 years ago." I said.

"September 3rd." Bryan said.

"Thanks." I said.

The interview lasted for about 2 more hours. Bryan finally stopped the interview and turned off the camera.

"I didn't know that." Bryan said.

"Know what?" I asked.

"About what inspired the name Lifehouse." he said.

"Nobody knew." I said.

"It's a great name." Johnnie said.

"Thank you." I said. He nodded.

"It's getting late. We should go so Emory can get some sleep." Bryan said.

They all got up and started packing up. When they were done, Bryan walked over to me. I stood up. I wrapped my arms around his back. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I lay my head on his chest.

"I love you, Bryan." I said.

"I love you, too, Emory." Bryan said.

He kissed the top of my head and backed away. Johnnie came and hugged me. I hugged him back. It's only been a day and I already miss my boys so much.

"I love you, Johnnie." I said.

"I love you, too, Emory." he said.

He kissed my forehead. He went and stood beside Bryan. I walked up and hugged Damon.

"It was awesome to hang out with you. I love your videos by the way." I said.

"Thanks." he said.

He walked over to the guys.

"Goodnight, Em." Bryan and Johnnie said.

"Goodnight." I said.

They left and I went to my little room. I got changed and lay down. It took a while for me to fall asleep.

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