Chapter 2

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Jace's POV (I know exciting!)
I walk into the training room and see that Clary has Izzy pinned to the ground. Wow she has improved since the last time I saw her 'we leave for 6 months Izzy and you go weak on us'

Clary stands up and pulls Izzy along with her. I can't help but look at Clary... Like wow she has changed in the past 6 months... In a good way of course. She has always been pretty but now she is hot, beautiful even... the Jace Herondale calling a girl beautiful? This wasn't a often occurring event. She now  has slight curves, she had grown, not a lot but enough for me to notice, both her hair and eyes have gotten brighter if that is even possible.

I was snapped out of my thoughts my Clary's beautiful green eyes starring into my golden ones. She is standing beside Magnus, I was so caught up in thinking about Clary that I haven't noticed that Izzy and Alec were hugging me. We stepped back, Alec lightly hugged Clary and then it was my turn. We step forward together and then we are in each other's arms, time seems to slow down. I bury my face into her red fiery hair and smell her shampoo (in a not so creepy way!) it's just me and Clary together. We seem to be hugging for hours

That's when she steps back. She turned to Izzy who winked at her. Clary started to blush, even looking like a tomato she is still beautiful, wow I really need to get with her.

'Come along Clary we are going to the Pandemonium!' Izzy squealed

Then they left, heading towards Izzy's room. I shout good luck down the hall and I think I heard Clary chuckle in response. I smiled, then returned to my usual smirk and walked back into the training room where Magnus and Alec are looking at me and grinning
'What?' I ask not getting what the smiling is about.
'Nothing' Alec replys simply and walks away.
'Just tell me for angels sake' I pry.
'Fine how long have you been in love with Clary?' Magnus asks with a smirk.
I am so stunned, too shocked to answer am I in love with Clary?.. No no not at all... Like yes love no

'What... um...what I mean....' I stutter and I never stutter like ever!

'Oh Jaceyy is in lovvee' Alec says making kissy faces

'Shut up' I say and hit him on the shoulder.

'Right enough arguing we need to fix Jace up, so he can impress Clary' Magnus says taking Alec's hand is his.

'His' I say gesturing to my body 'doesn't need fixing to impress anybody'

'Yeah okay whatever lets just go' replys Alec

And off we go to Alec's room to get ready for the Pandemonium

But one girl remains on my mind

One special red hair, green eyed girl


Thank you so much for the 8 views! I know that might not to much to a lot of people but it is too me:) thank you sooo much again. Please comment!!!
Nicole x

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