Chapter 8

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Jace POV
"Yes sure come in" she steps aside and let's me into the room. I follow her over to her bed, sitting down I leave her a reasonable amount of space between us.

"So what was it you wanted ta talk about?" She asks looking up at me. Her eyes looking into mine. Green looking into gold. Gold looking into green. I have always loved her eyes.

"Well tomorrow night as you probably know, Izzy and Simon are going on a mundane style date. And Magnus and Alec now want to tag along. And they didn't want us to be alone, so umm.. Would you maybe like to go with me on a date tomorrow night with me. Well the other four will be there as well so it will kinda be like a triple date.... What do you say? I say all in one go because let's face it I am fricking nervous.

And I wasn't going to tell her that Izzy said I could bring anyone I wanted and that she actually had a friend in Idris that she wanted to set me up with but Clary was the first girl that came to mind. So I declined Izzy's offer and ran up here straight away to ask Clary.

She looks at me and gives me a shy smile. "Yeah sure I would like that... No wait you said that they don't want us to be lonely, so if you didn't want to go with me, and go with someone else it's ok I completely understand" she laughs then "like look at me I am not the most pretty person to live on this earth" She says looking down and playing with her hands.

"I am looking at you" I say. I take her two hands in one of mine. And lift up her chin and turn her to face me with another.

" Do you think I would be here asking you if I had someone else in mind, no because you were the first person to come to mind." What was it I was saying about not telling her.. It kinda just slipped out.

She gave me a small smile, that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Well if you say so" she said in a sing song voice, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"I do" I replied. I stood up then, and kissed her on her head. She blushed. I smirked, "you are cute when you blush, even cuter than normal, do you know thatI comment, that makes her blush more. I chuckle.

"I will see you tomorrow night" I say and turn to go but then stop myself. "Well actually I will more than likely see you before that but still the meaning is there" she laughs at that. "So I will see you tomorrow at breakfast."

And with that I walk out the with a huge grin on my face, I set off down the hall to my room whistling.

I walk into my room, collapse on my bed and go to sleep even though it is only nine o'clock. I am pretty sure I slept with a smile planted across my face.
That was a filler chapter, I am sorry if you were expecting more.
I woke up this morning to 270 views!!! Thank you so so so so much my fellow Shadowhunters I would make you all my parabatai if I could 💖
Nicole x

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