Chapter 9

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Clary's POV
Jace walked out of my room closing the door after himself. I stay where I was sitting on my bed and stare at the door, I am not messing literally staring at the door for a good half an hour with a big stupid and goofy grin on my face. I reluctantly get into bed and turn off the lights, letting sleep take over my body and I think about today's events and what tomorrow will bring. Meeting up with Simon, training with Izzy and most importantly the one thing that brought butterflies to her stomach and a big grin to her face... She was going on a date tomorrow.. A date with an handsome, kind (most of the time) and a boy that had an actual interest in her... She was going on a date with the one and only Jace... Jace Herondale. That's the one thing that brought her to close her eyes, just so she would be one step closer to getting up tomorrow and a great day tomorrow would be that she was certain of.
Still Clary's POV
I woke up to the sun coming through the windows of my bedroom. I still couldn't believe I was allowed live here now. It made me want it to giggle and squeal like a teenage fangirl!

I get out of bed and wander to my closet, pulling out a green sweater and black ripped jeans, casual for meeting up with Simon she thought. Spilling on her clothes, pulling her hair into a messy bun and brushing her teeth, I call in next door to see if Izzy was up, I got no reply when I knocked so I presumed she was downstairs already.

As I made my way to the kitchen, walking down the corridor I was hit with a smell of eggs, bacon and toast yummmm!! I walk just a little bit faster to get to the door of the kitchen. I open it and step inside, sitting at the table is Alec, Max and Magnus ( Max as in the their brother not Malec's baby) Jace was standing at the stove cooking. When I closed the door, it closed with a click causing everyone to look up, me and Jace made eye contact, I was the first to turn away as my checks flamed up. I sit down beside Max. "Hey buddy" I say as I sit down.
"Hey Clary" he says giving me a big toothy grin, his blue Lightwood eyes glistening. "Clary what do you want to eat?" Jace asks from yeh stove, "Ammm eggs, bacon and toast please" I reply smiling (I know that in the CoHF it says that Clary doesn't like eggs, but shhh) "Coming right up"

I noticed that Max was reading. "What you reading there Max?" I ask looking over his shoulder. "It's a comic book that Simon gave me" he says not looking up at all. I chuckle " you must be special Simon doesn't like many people touching this comic's when we were younger he had one rule in his house and that was not to touch, or look at the comics unless he was with me incase I damage them" I say smiling at the memory.

"Maybe I am just more important to Simon than you are" Max taunts, giggling a little "Really?" I ask grinning, this little kid was so adorable. "Yes really" "I don't think so, and I think I am going to have to punish you for that" I say connecting my fingers to his stomach as I start to tickle him. He starts running around the room I chase after him. I look to Magnus and Alec quickly to see if they will help me but they are whispering and laughing to one another they really are cute.

"Catch me if you can" Max sings, I turn and look to see that Jace has my food on the table and now has Max hoisted up on this shoulders. "Let's do this together Jacey" Max says looking down at Jace" As Jace approaches me I start to run around the kitchen, but they catch me and we have a tickle war.

"Ok ok ok ok I surrender you guys win, I just want my breakfast now" I say sitting down, with Jace and Mac sitting at either side of me, we eat and talk.

Only then is it that I realise that Izzy is nowhere in sight. "Guys where is Izzy?" I ask. Alec turned to me and smirked,"why don't you ask Simon, she did stay there last night" he says chuckling at the end, "oh ok..." I say getting what Alec was getting on to. "Yes" Jace says laughing. And standing up and taking my plate with him
Since Simon and Izzy are having "quality time" that means I won't be meeting up with either of them. Don't get me wrong I don't mind at all, I love that they are together they are the cutest of the cute. I decide to go training by myself.

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