Chapter 17

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Clary POV

After what seems like the longest journey to the dining room, we finally arrive. I walk in first Jace tailing a bit behind me. I want to turn around and make him ask me whatever it was that he wanted to ask me earlier. The curiosity is getting to me and I am starting to get so paranoid. Every possible situation is running through my brain so fast and I feel like I am gonna pass out. What if it has nothing to do with asking me out on the date, what if he somehow found out about what happened with Valentine and Sebastian.

I have been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't even realised that I am now standing behind my chair at the table and everyone is looking at me waiting for m to sit down before they can start eating. "Oh sorry" I mumble before sitting down into my seat beside Izzy and taking a sip of my water. Accepting the cool and refreshing feeling it has on my throat.

"Clary are you okay?" Izzy whispers into my ear.

I turn to face her and nod, before replying with the classic thing a girl would say in my situation. "Yeah I am fine" I also muster up my best smile before relaxing into my chair sighing a little bit.

She simply nods, but I know that she will follow me back to my room so we can talk about this later. She is too good to be and I can't tell you what I ever did to deserve a best friend and a parabatai like her. I make a mental note to buy her an amazing birthday present this year and to also let her know how much I appreciate her sometime soon.

I eat my food mostly in silence only talking if asked a question or when I asked Alec to pass me the salt. At this point I don't even know how I feel, like I can't be mad at Jace I have no reason to be. I think I just had my hopes up and it called came crumbling down in one go. Maybe that's why I feel so numb.

I feel someone across the table kick my leg, and I know it's Jace before I even lift my head, to look at him. When I do lift my head, he gives me a cheesy toothy smile. The type of smile that my heart melts for because I know he doesn't give it to much people. And in that moment, everything weighing down on my chest for the last half an hour has been lifted in a number of seconds. I smile back at him, a real, genuine smile and he chuckles and shakes his head. I really do love him.. no his smile and laugh.

"Clary we were actually wondering if you and Simon wanted to join us, we are going out for dinner and a movie?" Alec asks

"Who's us exactly? But yeah I am happy to go and I'll ask Simon when I go back to my room."

"Just the 6 of us, myself, magnus, Iz, Simon, Jace and yourself" he says counting us on his fingers.

I nod "sounds good" I say, wait the way Alec put us sounds like pairs or couples. Oh god, I don't know what I think about this. "When are we leaving?" I ask standing up from the table.

"In a half an hour if that's okay with you?" Jace answers, turning towards me.

"Yeah seems good, I will run up to my room to call Simon and see if he's able to join us. I will be back down in a couple of minutes." I say heading towards the door.

"Okay Clary see you in a few" I hear Izzy call as I close the door behind me. I take the stairs two at a time. My mind all of the place. Will I be able to act normal with Jace especially with my newly found feelings for him? I know I was with him for the last hour but this could be different because its in a date environment with two other couples. Ugh hopefully nothing too crazy happens and I can keep my feelings a secret. I don't want to mess up the friendship Jace and myself have built back up since he came home. And I am sure he would probably feel the same way.

When I reach my room I dial Simon's number. He answers on the third ring.

"Hey C what's up?"

Hello my lovelies I am sorry for the extremely late chapter update. I have been in both Scotland and Poland and couldn't update much. I also have a few personal things going on that I am trying to work through. But I will ty my very hardest to get the next chapter up soon. Thank you all so much so your patience and also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K READS!!! Honestly though when I started this fan-fic I didn't expect half as much reads so thank you guys.

Love you all and see you in the next chapter

-Nicole x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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