Chapter 14

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Clary POV
When I head back to my room I undress and hop into the shower. Letting the hot water run over me and soothe my sore muscles. That is always a good sign. I love it when I am in pain after training at least I know it's working.

I start to think about everything but somehow Jace always seems to come to mind. The image of him with the hair stuck to his forehead with sweat breaks through my thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking about Jace, not in that way. He's too good for me, if he found out anything about what happened when I was with Sebastian and Valentine he certainly wouldn't want anything to do with me.

Who would? It's sick!

I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes. And I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to stop them from spilling. I wash out the remainder of my conditioner and step out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body and going out to my bedroom. I check the clock to see that it is 3pm I have been in the shower got nearly an hour. Shit!

I throw on some skinny jeans and a flannel and go to sit on my bed, bringing my sketch pad with me I make myself comfortable and pick up my pencil and start to draw.

Moving my pencil in my hand to create something that is will hopefully explain my inner thoughts.

After about a half an hour later.I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say and drop my sketch pad down to see who it was.

Izzy pops her head it "hellloooo" she greets me and skips into my room and jumps onto my bed beside me. "Yes?" I ask lifting an eyebrow. She doesn't answer me just keeps smiling

"Why are you all giddy?" I ask again.

"I have news" she finally says.

"News?" I ask. She is going to have to tell me something because I can't guess what she is trying to say. I am not very good at guessing.

"Yes news. So basically I was going to go to Alec's room to get him for mum. And I heard Jace talking to Alec and Magnus. I didn't want to intrude, so I waited outside but I heard Jace tell Alec and Magnus that he was going to ask you out on a date and wanted to know what they thought" she says her smile even brighter and bigger than before.

I give her a small smile "Are I sure it was about me though?" I ask a little hesitate that it is about me and not some other girl that Jace knows.

"How many Clary Fairchilds do you know?" She asks putting a hand on her hip.

"There is plenty of Clary's and he wouldn't have said a surname" I retaliate.

"He did Magnus asked him 'Clary Fairchild?' to make sure" Iz responds. "And Jace said 'yes Clary Fairchild you know short,fiery, red hair, green eyes, gorgeous, and  lives in this here institution was kind of training with us this morning.'"She explains trying to mock Jace. "And I bet he's on his way up here now to ask you"

I laugh at her "Well that does sound like his type of sass. But I still don't believe it, maybe he knew you were outside and just said that as a joke" I tell her. "You have to admit it is a more believable story"

"No no it's not, he likes you and he is going to ask you out and you are going to say yes, and then you are going to have a brilliant time" she tells me.

"Bu-" I start but I am interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say and watch the door open, and in skips Magnus, with a big goofy smile on his face. "I have news" he says still skipping around my room like a school girl. "Let me guess you want to tell her that Jace likes her and wants to bring her out on a date, tonight" Izzy says with another one of her amazing smiles.

Clace ReunitedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora