chapter 12

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Clarys POV

"You can sit down I am just going to get changed into my pajamas" I said to Jace grabbing clothes from my drawer to get in to. He just nods.

"I will be right back" I say finally. I head into the bathroom taking off my dress and pulling on a pair of night shorts and a pair of warm socks. "Sugar plums and chocolate sprinkles on top"I whisper I forgot to get a pajama shirt now I am going to have to go out there with only a bra on to a man that not even half an hour ago was holding my hand and getting jealous of a waiter. And may I also mention that he is a greek god. Calm down Clary just cover your chest with your dress dash towards the closet grab a shirt and run back. Simples!

I have repeated this plan about five times and now its time to put it into action. I grab my dress and push the door open just a little bit, I look out to see him sitting up in my bed reading my copy of delirium. "ummm Jace..." I say sweetly trying to catch his attention . "Yes Clary"he replies not looking up. "just keep on doing what you are doing I just have to get something okay?" he doesn't reply and I assume he heard me.

I stalk across my room to my closet in record time and grab a band t-shirt and go to turn around, "Clary that was fast....oh" I turn around to see Jace staring at me mouth opened and cheeks flushed. I throw the t-shirt over my head and throw my dress onto my bed. "I was just getting a t-shirt I forgot to get one and I did tell you not to look" I say a little too fast but I think he got the idea. "I am sorry I didn't hear you I was distracted"he says and points to the book that's now placed beside him on the bed. "I am just going to go now" he finishes and starts to get up "wait why?" I ask now beginning to get a bit insecure. Did he want to leave because of me? Did he see my scars and change his mind?

"I thought you would just like for me to go" he says still facing the door. I walk around to him and grab his hands "no stay but only if you want to,do you want to?" I say looking into his eyes."Of course I do" he agrees. "Well then sit down I will be right back out I just need to get my make up wipes. I grab my make up wipes and my laptop and head back over to my bed and get comfy I see that Jace is still sitting "you can lie down you know I won't bite" I tell him, he chuckles and removes his shoes before hopping in beside me. "I was thinking we could maybe watch a movie or something?" I say but really it turns out to be more of a question. "Yes sure, whatever you want" he replies with a big cheeky smile. That man I swear. I return the smile and log into my Netflix account. "So we are Netflix and chilling are we?" Jace teases adding in a wink. Does he ever stop. "Don't get ahead of yourself there boy, yes we are chilling literally nothing else." I laugh. "Okay then maybe next time" Jace adds. "Maybe.." may I add that this is my lame attempt of a flirting. We both laugh.

I start to remove my make up. I catch Jace glaring at me from the corner of my eye. A confused look playing on his face. "what's wrong" I ask him. "I am just here watching you take off your make up and wondering why you ever put it on?" He replies. That honestly wasn't what I expected him to say. "Funny" I laugh

"Okay now what do you want to watch?" I ask facing him in the bed. "You need to start believing me on this you are beautiful. And anything at all knowing me I will probably fall asleep less than halfway through it anyway" Jace replies adding a shrug in at the end. "Well that is true" I laugh remembering the night not too long ago when Jace fell asleep and I had to try get into the bed properly.

We eventually decided on some action movie. Then Jace started commenting on how fake the actors stunts were and how he would have done much better and I had to take matters into my own hands. I face him grab a handful of popcorn and throw it towards him."shhhh and by the way no one would do it better than Colton Haynes so don't even go there" "Okay okay I am sorry I won't do it again" Jace laughs. I really like his laugh it's so young and soft and breaks down his bad boy look very well I like it. At this point I have forgotten to reply and I am staring at Jace with a small smile playing on my lips. "What's up?" Jace asks me, he must think something is wrong with me."No its nothing really it's just that it's nice when you laugh" I lower my voice for the last part of the sentence but Jace picks it up anyway, thank God because I really don't want to repeat myself. "Well your laugh is pretty nice aswell Ms. Fray" he smiles,and for once he didn't add a sarcastic or annoying remark which would have embarrassed me. I smile and face the laptop again "Thank you Mr. Herondale."

Jace uncharacteristically remained awake for the remainder of the movie. "Well I better get going Clary but thank you for this it was fun to get to talk and hang out for a little while it was nice" he says sweetly before pulling the blankets off of himself and putting his shoes back on. "We should do it again some time" I suggest walking with him to the door and opening it for him. "Most definitely, now go get yourself some rest we have training to do tomorrow" he reminds me. "I should be saying the same thing to you sir you will need all the rest and help you can get." I tease. He chuckles "goodnight Clary"

"Goodnight Jace"


There it is, the next chapter. This chapter would have been posted earlier but I was on holidays and I had no wifi for the trip. This chapter is sweet and fluffy but their relationship will move on in the next couple of chapters I promise you that much.

Thank you every single one of you. I saw yesterday that I now have something like 1.44K readers and that is just mental! When I started this story it was just for fun I hadn't expected this at all. So I am very grateful for every read, vote, comment and for being added to reading lists. I do reply to all of my comments so if you have any questions ask away.

I will be updating once or twice a week from a week I will try decide on a day soon. Thanks again x

Love you all to the moon and back

Nicole x

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