Chapter 11

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Clary's POV
"So what are you planning on getting Clary?" Jace asks from beside me, I look over to meet his perfect golden gaze.

"I was thinking of getting the chicken, mushroom and ham vol un vents with chips and a side salad" I reply smiling "what about you, what would you like to get?"

"I am deciding between the chicken burger or steak" he says humming "but I cannot decide"

"That is a tough one" I agree biting my lip "but what did you get here last time?"

"The steak" he replays simply. "So then jazz it up a bit and get the chicken burger" I decide for him

"Good technique!" He laughs shaking his head slightly. "Don't I know" I blush for a reason that is unknown to me.

"So what can I get for you guys" a masculine voice asks from behind me, I spin around to find a waiter looking at us, but before I could answer myself Jace butts in

"I will get the chicken burger, no onions, with a a side salad and chips and this lovely lady will have the chicken, mushroom and ham vol un vents with a side salad snd chips" he says handing back out two menus

The other four of our friends order their food and the waiter who's name I see is Logan says he will be back in a few with our drinks.

"So how was your night out with Simon Iz?" I ask the question I have been waiting to ask for way too long since arriving here.

She blushes, ha that was the response I wanted, "it was nice... Wasn't it Simon?"

"Hmmm yes nice would be a word for it anyway"

"Soooo what I am getting from all of this is that Simon and Isabelle did the naughty" Jace interrupts

Myself, Magnus and Alec contain our laughter as I bend over laughing. It wasn't what he said it the way he said it he put his hand up on the table and waggled his index finger between the two of them and used a sassy voice.

"Thank you guys for laughing" Jace joins in.

"No probl-" I am cut off by Logan returning with our drinks. He set them down and said he will be back with our food soon enough.

"So are you guys planning on training tomorrow?" I ask the group, excluding Magnus because he has clients to work with tomorrow.

"Yes I was think the 5 of us could do a group training session tomorrow at the institute" Izzy says looking over to me.

"That's such a good idea, Jace, Alec, Simon what do you think of that?" I ask nudging Jace beside me.

Jace turns and smiles down at me. "That sounds good, I can finally show Simon what real muscles are" he says chuckling flexing his biceps

I turn to him pull down his arm onto his lap and say smirkingly  "hmm yeah and I can show you how to properly throw a knife"

"Wow! Touché my friend touché" he says ruffling my hair.

I laugh and push my hair back into the way it was. "So tomorrow at 10am in the training room?" I ask changing back to our original conversation. I hear a chorus of agreements and I nod

Logan arrives to our table carrying our food along with another waiter Jackson, Jackson is carrying my heaven on a plate "who ordered the vol un vents?" He asked in a deep masculine voice, sweet momma! "I did" I say putting my hand up a bit for emphasis.

He smiled at me showing his pearly white teeth, "here you are my lady" he says in a fake posh accent, he also gave Isabelle here salad, "if you need anything else please don't hesitate to ask" he adds with a wink towards Isabelle and I and he walks off, Jace and Simon both stiffen simultaneously and are now as stiff as boards. Alec, Magnus and Isabelle sniffle laughs while I am very confused as to what is happening.

"Sorry what am I missing out on?" I turn to Jace who's face is tense with his jaw locked, his hands are shaking aswell.

"Magnus? Alec? Care to explain?" I ask them since I was getting no response from Jace.

"Your jacey boo and Simon here seem to be a bit jealous of good old Jackson for winking and flirting with their women" Magnus explains.

"Except he wasn't flirting" I defend
"Yes he was!!" Jace says turning to me raising his voice a little bit before muttering a sorry straight after. "It's ok" I reply his first words since the food arrived. Oh the food I should start eating.

"Well I didn't notice so let's just leave it there shall we?" I ask while putting my fork into a chip and bringing it to my mouth, while Jace grabs one of my hand and intertwines our fingers together under the table giving my hand a squeeze.

"Yes so what's the plan for the weekend?" Simon asks

"You ready to go?" Jace asks beside me. "Yeah it's getting late" I reply

I stand up push in my chair and walk out the door, Jace walks beside me and places a hand around my waist, I stiffen momentarily and then relax moving into his side, placing my head on his shoulder, I think I hear him sigh but then again I could be hearing things.

Magnus and Alec are gone to Magnus' house and Simon and Isabelle are going for a walk before returning to the institute.

When we arrive back at the institute, we walk towards my room."would you like to come in?" I ask, he nods and follows me in

There we have it, chapter 11 I have no more exams now so you will be seeing a lot more of me.
I am sorry if it is boring it's a bit of a filler chapter. I am also sorry if you feel like this sorry only has clary and Jace and that that other characters don't talk much they do its just hard to include 6 or more characters at one time.
Next update will be in the next few days and beware or some clace scenes and the start to some drama in the upcoming chapters.
Nicole x

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