Chapter 4

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Clary's POV
"Ok so you know the rules, it's either a truth or a dare if you forfeit a round you take off a piece of clothing, jewellery and other accessories don't count, simples" Izzy States as she walks over and sits on a chair in the library. "Ok" we all say in unison and sit down on the sits that we have put in a circle. "Ok I am going first, Alec truth or dare?" Izzy asks. "Umm... Truth"Alec says. "Ok, are you a virgin?" Izzy asks "Um...nonotanymore" Alec says all at once, and blushes. Izzy giggles "sorry what was that?" "No, no I am not" Alec says, a bit slower this time, turning an even darker shade of red. After he composed himself he turned to Jace "Jace truth or dare?" "Dare, I am no wimp" "hey.. Watch it"Alec says pointing a finger towards Jace, "anyway Jace you have to make out with anyone in this room, you choose" Jace shrugs, and stands up and walks over to me. Izzy whistles and I give her a death glare. Simon moves over a chair and Jace sits beside me "Just one more thing, Clary can you please sit on Jace's lap?"Magnus adds, wiggling his eyebrows. "Ugh fine" I grumble and place myself on Jace's lap, in an appropriate area though, he puts his hands around my waist and says "it will be over before you know it" but that's the thing I will probably enjoy this.

"Right we are ready when you are" but we had already begun kissing slowly. His right hand cupping my cheek, rubbing my cheek bone with so much gentleness. My hands are around his neck,Playing with the ends of his hair where it is curly.

"A bit more heated than that please" Magnus groans before the sofa. Jace chuckles into the kiss and obeys this order, he kisses me with a lot more force, his arms encircle me now to grip my waist I gasp. The kiss which is a mixture of lips, tongues and teeth is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever

Then an alarm goes off and I jump startled from the noise.

I look at Jace, who is looking at me with a softness in his eyes that I can't put my finger on. He  just like me is gasping for breath. Then he plants his usual smirk back on his face and I think I imagined the whole softness thing. I look back at our friends who have their jaws hitting the floor is astonishment. "Close your mouth guys you might catch some flys in there" I say patting Izzy on the back and walking back to my original seat. I pretend to be unfazed my the whole thing but in the inside I am jumping for joy.

Jace's POV
Wow.. Woah.. Wtf just happened between me and Clary? I don't know what happened and why I liked it so much?

A couple of more rounds passed nothing too interesting happened, I passed one and took off my shirt, along with Simon.

Soon we all got bored and decided to call it a night, well 3:36 is technically the morning but you know it's all the same really. Clary was going to stay in one of the spare rooms so I decided to walk with her, because the others were a little bit caught up (if you know what I mean)

"Hey Clary wait up" I call after her, she spins around and waits for me to catch up. "Hey Jace" she says and we walk towards her room her the tonight. "I was just wondering if you wanted me to uh... Walk you to your room?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck nervously... Nervous.. What? She laughs her cute little laugh." Sure why not" "Cool, so your mam let you stay the night? She never let that happen before" "Yeah I called her and she said that I could but it wouldn't be a regular thing" she shrugs at the end.

We reach her room door that is 2 doors away from mine. "Would you like to come in?" She asks. "Are you trying to imply something here Miss Fray?" She blushed, and I chuckled.

"I am only joking" I reassure her, she only nods and opens the door for both of us and she walks over to her bed and sits down. I sit of a chair near her bed and turn to face her.

"So about that truth or dare kiss, I get that it was only for the game wasn't it?" Clary asks. I am a bit taken back by this. She regrets that we took it too far.

"Yeah sure of course" I lie, she nods slowly.

"Well I am just going to get changed and stuff I will be right back" she says with a bit of a harsh tone what did I do now? she gets grabs the pjs Izzy gave her and went into the bathroom and got changed. I stood up and sat on her bed (cause honestly my ass was gone dead from that chair)

I waited for her. I was going to tell her that the kiss meant something

I was going to.. And then she walked back into the room and smiled she was in Izzy shorts and tank top and she took my breath away she isn't even trying and she is beautiful.

She walked around to the other of the bed and she lay down beside me. "Just to let you know I am not implying anything for the second time tonight" "uh huh" I mutter just about to go to sleep.

Clary's POV
I look back over to Jace to shove him but I see he is asleep beside me. I walk around to the other side of the bed and take off his shoes and swing his legs around and onto the bed. I sigh cursing my height and weakness. I get into my side of my bed and lay down again switching off my bedside lamp and curling up, thinking about tonight's events before letting sleep consume me.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

And one person on my mind


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