Chapter 13

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Clary POV

The next morning after I wake up I decided to grab my breakfast and bring it to the library with me. Something I used to do with Izzy when I was younger whenever I slept over but not so much anymore.

As I sit in this gigantic space filled with bundles upon bundles of books I remember a time when two tiny girls one with bright red hair and one with jet black hair would run around here playing hide and seek or be hidden in the corner with Jace and Alec as we read. A time before Valentine and Sebastian ever kidnapped my mother and I. A time before the constant fear and nightmares both of which I hide extremely well. Not even Simon knows of the times when I wake at five in the morning covered in sweat because both of them got into my nightmares again.That since the incident I rarely ever look in the mirror anymore because I hate what I have to look at. The fact that whenever I swear sports bras to training I pull my leggings up past my scars and stretch marks so no one sees them either. And that there was many mornings that I used to skip breakfast to head to the training room to work hard so if they ever managed to come back into my life again. (Well Sebastian anyway because I am nearly sure Valentine is dead...hopefully.)  That I would be able to protect myself and those I loved.They just think I am very motivated and strong and that's what I want them to believe. That way no one knows no one can pity me or look down on me.

I have built my walls so high that no one could climb them.

But what if one block was placed the wrong way...

Well then the whole thing would come crumbling down.


I have now been sitting here for about two hours and I have made my way through two books and I have had a good talk with myself. I have decided to go get ready for training when someone comes into the library. I look up to see Simon walking through the threshold. "Izzy told me you would might be in the training room but I guessed in here. I win" he tells me as he comes and sits beside me. "Hey Si" I say. "Hello C"

"Are you here for the training?" I ask him. "Yes actually we are all ready we were looking for you." he notifies me. Is it that time already. "Oh I am so sorry the time slipped away from me. You know what I am like, I will just go and get ready now. Come with?"

"Don't worry about it Jace and Alec are gone to the weapons room to get whatever we may need and Jace told me to come find you" Simon explains.

Jace told him to come find me. That's very unlike Jace. I remember once when I lived in my moms house the 5 of us decided to train like this again and I was late to arrive. Instead of waiting for me like Izzy and Simon, Jace and Alec started without me and then gave me a lecture when I arrived.

Well times have changed.

Myself and Simon make our way to my room making light conversation as we go. When we get to my room I go in and Simon stays outside. I assure him I won't be long. I throw on a sports bra a light training top and my favourite pair of Nike pro leggings.

i lace up my runners and I am out the door. "Wow that was fast I was expecting at least another five minutes before you would be ready" Simon informs me as I exit my room.

"That's because you my friend has been spending a little bit too much time with Isabelle Lightwood" I tease poking him in the chest. We both laugh and make our way to the training room


"Oh look here comes the lost sheep" someone says as I walk in the training room doors. I turn to see it's Alec the sarcastic little shit. "I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to keep you waiting" I apologize turning to the three siblings giving them an apologetic look. Even though Alec and myself are now friends almost brothers I still don't want to disappoint him or any of them.

"Hey I was joking Clary don't take it to heart." Alec says ruffling my hair a little bit. I smile

"Yeah don't mind him myself, Alec and Izzy were just setting up anyway so we can begin whenever you are ready" Jace explains giving me one of his charming grins. The type of grins that have you smiling. "Jace is right so lets get started!"

I walked over to the mats with Izzy to start to stretch because unlike Jace and Alec we don't enjoy pulling muscles even though they can be healed with an iratze

Then we start our daily workout we do sit ups,push ups, crunches, legs lifts,scissor kicks, donkey kicks, squatting with kettle bells,bicep curls, 2 minute plank, fire hydrants, hamstring extensions.

Because Alec and Jace and myself and Izzy are parabatai. Simon can at times feel alone.So for the workout parts Simon goes with the boys and for anything different he can pick who he wants to go with. And if Magnus is here he will go with him.

We try and not workout or train with anyone we are in a relationship with because as Jace likes to preach: "relationships are nothing but distractions and we don't have time for petty distractions"

Sometimes I really wonder if Jace will ever settle down with anyone with the way he goes on at times. It's kind of sad because he could have anyone he likes but doesn't seem like he is willing to love anyone because he has that saying from his father drilled into his head:"to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed".

After two and a half of absolute torture of working out, sparing, knife throwing, sweat, pain and close to tears we bring this group training session to an end. I walk over to the small fridge where water bottles are left and grab one. opening it and taking a swig I sit down and do some stretches hoping to get some feeling back into my legs.

"You must have been lifting horses
while I was gone Red because you are basically a mini me now"Jace compliments as he sits down beside me. "Thank you, but no" I say blushing. "I am being serious I am impressed!" Jace exclaims. "Well then thank you it means a lot" I thank him. "No problem" he says and pats my head.

"Stop that!" I say swatting his hand away. "I don't like that!"

"What this?" Jace asks this time rubbing my hair so it becomes an even bigger mess.

"Yes that, you wouldn't like if someone's did this" I grab a bunch of his hair and mess it up a bit. "to you would you?"

"Touché my friend touché" he laughs, fixing up his hair that I ruined. Even messed up his hair still looks nice. Life is so unfair!

It's only then when I look up I see that the rest of our friends have already left and it was only myself and Jace.

"Well I have to go get a shower I probably smell really bad right now" I laugh. He chuckles with me making me blush a little knowing I am capable of making him laugh

"See you later Jace"

"See you later Red" he whispers.
How are all of you beautiful people doing today?
And this is this weeks chapter. I managed to put a bit of Jace and Clary background into this chapter, something I will be doing a lot more of in upcoming chapters!
Thank you for all the votes, comments and views. And please continue to do so I love it!

I love you all so much. See you next week
Nicole x

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