Chapter 7

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Once we had composed ourselves again, I walked back up to my room with Izzy, to unpack and set up my room, because let's face it the institute rooms are a little bit plain. And by a little bit I mean a lot. We decided to move around the furniture a bit and tomorrow we are going shopping for paint.

"Well that's it for the day I think" Izzy says collapsing  back into my double bed "and we didn't even get to train together today"  she says looking up at the ceiling. I sigh and drop back on to the bed beside her. "I know and I am sorry Iz" I turn to face her "how about we have a double training session tomorrow to make up for today?" I ask her, knowing she can't resist a double training session.

She shrugs but I can see her lips tugging up into a smile. "Sounds like a plan" she says. "A very good plan at that" I reply, we were both back looking up at the ceiling again. "W-" I started but was interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pull my phone out and see a picture of Simon on my screen, I show Izzy and she nods and smiles.

"Hey Si" I say, answering my phone. "Hey Clary, I was just wondering if you would like to hangout sometime tomorrow? It's just we haven't seen each other in ages" he says dragging out the 's' in ages to prove his point. "What time?" I ask him, "Is around two ok?" He asks me, I look over to Izzy and she says yeah we can train before that if you want" I nod "yeah Si that's ok, I will talk to you then... Ok bye love you" "love you too Clary"

I hang up and put my phone back into my pocket again. I roll over to look at Izzy. "So Izzy how are you and Simon getting on these days?" I ask nudging her with my elbow "you two looked very cosy together at the pandemonium"

"We are good, very good actually, somehow he has wiggled his way into my life and my heart" (A/N TMI reference) she whispers the last two words but I caught what she said.

"Aww Iz that's so cute, so you love him?" I ask " of course if you don't it's ok, I am not going to go all dong hurt my best friend on you" I laugh

"No seriously I think I do... Yeah I do definitely... OMG" she says sitting up, "I am in love with Simon Lewis, your best friend" she says pointing to me, "yes my best friend" I say pointing to myself and laughing. "That's so cute, so when are you going to tell him?" I ask, "I think I might tell him tonight, we have a date. Plus he already told me that he loves me, and told me it's ok if I don't love him yet and stuff and by the angel he is so cute" she says "Izzy I think you have a Simon fever or something" we laugh together for a while.

"Well I better get going to bed, I will talk to you in the morning, bright as early!" She says. I groan "see you in the morning"

She leaves the room, and I proceed into the bathroom, to brush my hair, teeth. I walk back into my room, and get into my pyjamas- also known as a tank top and shorts-

I hear a knock on my room door. "It's open Izzy" I shout. "Hey Clary" says a masculine voice, I turn around to see Jace, walking through the door, "can I ask you something?"

Ohh... Cliffhanger 😇
Sorry that chapter was kinda bad but I promise the next one will be good. It will involve (hopefully) Clace, Malec and Sizzy.
Thank you
Nicole x

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