Chapter 3

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Clary's POV
"FINISHED!" Izzy shouts turning me around in the chair to look in the mirror. "Uh..what" is all I can say because I am speechless. I don't recognise the girl in the mirror, my normally red and untamed hair now had ghd curls in them and look well tame, Izzy has my make-up simple but still pretty- foundation, mascara, a light brown eyeshadow and light pink lipstick. I turn around in the chair and face Izzy" I love it Izzy thank you!" I give her a big hug. "Sure what are parabatai's for?" I chuckle and wait for her to do her hair and makeup. She keeps her hair down and straight. For her make up she has foundation, smokey eye eye shadow, mascara and red lipstick. 'Izzy you look perfect' I say. 'Well why thank you my dear' she replies in a British accent. 'Now it's dress time!'

45 minutes later we leave her walk-in--wardrobe, dressed with shoes on and ready to go. I walk out in a black bodycon dress (that feels like a second skin, but was forced in to) with lace at the bottom.

Izzy it wearing a black bodycon dress with green sparkles on it, it is backless and has long sleeves.

"Please hurry up in there" We hear Alec holler through the door. Izzy opens the sort and we walk out simultaneously "perfection takes time" she says simply and starts walking down the hall. Alec and Jace who were previously attached to the wall unattached themselves and followed her down the hall. I notice the Jace and Alec and dressed almost identical to each other, black vans, black ripped at the knee jeans and a leather jacket the only difference is Jace's t-shirt is white and Alec's is a royal blue.

Alec,Jace and Izzy walk through the institute making light conversation. I was about to walk out the main doors to the institute when Jace grabs my wrist and brings me back to him. He whispers in my ear"you look really great by the way" I blush a deep red colour and reply "you don't scrub up too bad yourself" he is just about to reply when Izzy silences him saying "Guys come on, let's get moving Magnus and Simon are going to meet us there"

20 minutes later we are inside the Pandemonium night club and we are slowly swaying back and forward to everyone else you is here. "Clary do you want anything to drink?" "Just coke please Iz" she nods and walks over to the bar with Alec leaving Jace and I alone.. Together

"Do you want to dance?" He asks gesturing to the packed dance floor in front of us. I shrug my shoulders 'Sure' I say.

We make out way into the crowd and move to the rhythm of the music. With his hands on my waist and my hands on his shoulders we start to sway as well.

"I don't think they will be coming back anytime soon with them drinks" I say gesturing over to Alec and Magnus who are making out and then to Izzy and Simon who are doing the same thing.

He chuckles and I can feel the laughter vibrating through his body, I can't help but smile. "I suppose you are right about that one, you go take a seat and I will go get the drinks"

I go and seat down and wait for him to come back. I wait, and wait and wait some more then I see his golden hair and he walks through the crowd towards me

"One coke for you" he says placing the coke down on the table beside me
"Thank you" I reply and take a sip. He does the same.

"Soooo... How was Ireland?" I ask him, he nods and says "It was really good actually, I learned a bit of the Irish language, that they don't really use anymore it's kinda just like a language to learn in mundane school. But some places in the west use it. We also trained and learned about some of the variations between the Irish demons and ours"

I nod and smile "It sounds like you had fun?" I ask. He just nods and says" yeah it was loads of fun actually, and not one leprechaun in sight" he says with a huge grin on his face. I laugh " So no leprechauns just demons?" "Precisely"

We go into a comfortable silence, which he breaks by saying "Conas atá tú?" "Sorry what?" He laughs again, "It means how are you in Irish, the response if you were good would be -Tá mé go maith - " "cool" I say" how do you say hello?" "Thats - Dia Duit- " "well then Dia Duit "
           ~ ~ ~~
30 minutes of more laughing and joking Izzy, Alec, Magnus and Simon come over and sit with us "how nice of you to stop tearing the faces off of each other and join us" Jace says, I smile yet

We decided to leave shortly after that and head back to the institute. (A/N In this fanfiction Simon is able into the institute) "Ohhh lets play truth or dare" Izzy says

Thank you so much for reading. I got 24 views altogether and I am just so happy. I know this chapter isn't the best but they will get better I promise. And I will stop speaking Irish as well :') sorry if there is any spelling mistakes I did this on my phone.

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