Believe In Me

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I ran. I don't know why I was. He just told me to. So I did. I cringed as the cool air bit at my face. But He told me to keep going. So I did. The sound of my bare feet hitting the blacktop echoed quietly against the buildings around me. Where am I? The sky was black and the street was abandoned besides the people behind me. Chasing me. I don't know who they are either. I don't remember...anything....

I have to keep going though. I don't know what those people might do to me..

There was a slight static in my ear so I reached up and touched the earpiece. When did I have this..? The static cleared and a voice came through, a mans.

"Dae, you must keep going. Take a left at the next road." His voice was very soothing but demanding.

Dae? Is he referring to me? I guess so. I turn left onto the road he spoke of.

"You got to move faster. I know you can. Head into the alleyway on your right and look for a door with a purple 'R' etched into it. Knock on it four times." How does he know where I am..?

I quicken my pace and hes right, I was barely moving compared to how fast I'm running now. I dashed into the alleyway and stop. I'm not going farther without answers. I click a button on the earpiece.

"Who are you? Where am I? I?" I could hear people running outside of the alley way. Their voices echoed and bounced of the brick walls of the buildings. I hid behind a dumpster and stayed within the shadows.

"I'm Chale and you're in an alleyway in downtown. Your name is Dae. I don't have time to explain all of this to you right now. Go find the door and Ill explain everything."

"How do I know I can even trust you...?" My voice was shaky. What the hell is going on...?

"Because...I love you." I could hear him sigh. "I know you don't remember us but you have to trust me. Now please go find the door."

What? How could I forget a person that I loved? But I don't remember him.

"Chale?" I could feel the tears clouding my vision and run down my cheeks. They were so warm. I just realized how cold it was here.

"Yes Dae...?"

"How come I don't remember anything?" My whispers choked a little. "I don't even remember what I look like....." I hugged my knees tightly and cried. I'm sure he can hear me right now. I could hear him sigh and sniffle then switch off his headset.

I'm completely alone now.....I should go find that door...

I peek out of the alleyway to see if anyone is still out there. I see three figures in pure white suits. They looked like anyone else but they moved more they were programmed like robots...but they looked like normal people.

I stood up carefully and stayed in the shadows as I tip-toed my way through the alleyway. The air was musty and rank and it was so dark that I couldn't even see my own feet. But then I saw it, the purple 'R' on a black door. It had a small light hanging off the brick wall across from it which clearly showed the way. It was so good to see some light.

I walked quickly to the door and knocked four times like Chale said to and a little slot in the door slid open and a pair of bright green eyes popped up. They looked me up and down then narrowed slightly.

"Who are you?" A demanding whisper asked.

"I'm Dae, Chale said to come here..?" 

I could hear him scoff quietly then some clanging along with the sound of other voices. Then the door popped open and two people stood before me in the doorway, a boy and a girl. They looked so similar. They both had bright, fiery brown eyes and almost the same length of hair, both a chestnut brown. Although the guy was taller than the girl, it was obvious that they were related. The girls’ eyes looked up at me from under her bangs. They pierced right into me, ripping away at me.

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