Chapter Six ~ Sweetest Sadness

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(You all are going to hate me for some of the stuff in this book TT_TT But it must be done, the characters demand it. For future reference, be mad at the antagonist-Diane-not me. That is all. Carry on. ~Penelope Scott<3)

I crouched back behind the hospital bed in the white halls, red lights flashing everywhere, no chance of any real escape. I feel myself getting hot with fear and overwhelmed with pain. I look down at my side thats covered in stained gauze then back up at the ceiling. I can feel the numbless from the loss of blood start to kick in. My vision going blurry as my eyes well up.

So this is what its like to die.....

"H-hey.....Dae......." A raspy girls voice called out from the bed. I hadn't even noticed her before now. "You get out.......of here...." Her breath was strained as she fought with everything to speak. I could see now that her eyes were a pale grey, drained of pigment, and her skin sunken in slightly around her cheek bones making her look dead. Her brown hair dry with blood and dirt, like she had been fighting in a war for a year, but she was skin in bones. I could see every bone and vein in her neck and face, the rest was covered up.

"How do you know who I am...?" I whispered.

"I' saved me.....from......the blanks........last year......." She smiled weakly, revealing a yellow row of teeth. "Even though.......I'm going to die here........I'm happy......that I went out.....knowing I tired....." I pulled back the white sheet that covered her gently. Under it, was all red. No skin in sight.

They skinned her........

"I looks doesn't hurt anymore......" Her eyes watered. She knew her fate was sealed. A terrible one.

"How old are you...?" Trying to keep quiet.

"I turned......sixteen........2 weeks me a.....surprise party......and gave me....this necklace......." Her almost skinned arm reached up to point at the silver chained necklace with a red rose pendent that rested against her neck. "I've never.....had much of a family.......but you..........thank you....." Her voice was getting almost inaudible as her breath halted almost then slowed gently, her red chest raising up one last time before exhaling and closing her eyes. A small tear ran down from her eye and hit the mattress below her head.

I moved her limp hand back beneath the covers and covered her back up so only her face showed. Even though I don't remember her, I can feel my body reacting like it would if I did. My throat dried and my eyes welled as I unhooked the necklace and slid it off her and around my neck for safe keeping. I kissed her forehead gently, whispered a small prayer then dried my eyes and passed by the lobby to find another escape route.


I slipped through the doorway and almost fell head first onto metal stair that spiraled up and down endlessly into a dark abyss the was lined with bright, white fluorescent lights. 

The only question now was; up? Or down? 

Unfortunately, the choice was delayed but the sound of sirens going off once more and the man with a monotone voice repeating over and over that there was an alert.

It made me freeze in my tracks. It meant either something else had happened or...they knew she was trying to escape. 

The was the sound of a struggle over the speakers then some muffled yelling. A woman cleared her voice then began speaking.

"Dae? Dearest, you can't hide from me forever....." Her voice drifted as I saw the security camera next to me focus on me. "You won't get very far...besides, it's time for a family reunion." 


Then the door behind me sprang open and exploded with men in white suits. They grabbed me and pulled me out into the hallway, back down to the lobby, back to Adeline. 

I screamed and kicked and flailed and bit but they didn't react. They just held on even tighter, digging their nails into my milky white arms subconsciously. 

They tossed me ahead of them when we reached the lobby. It was lined with people, big and small, in white suits and blank expressions. I quickly got up and looked behind me, more suits. In front of me, Diane stood, in her tight white dress and white pumps. Her lips deep with red and eyes bright with blue. A smirk spread across her face. 

Beside Diane, kneeled an older man who was being held forcefully by one of the suits. He was wearing overalls and a Tshirt. A rebel? 

"Dae, I thinks it time we put our old man to rest." Her voice soothed. 


"Oh yes...I forgot. You don't even remember your own grandfather. How disgraceful!" Her voice snickered out.

The old man looked up at me, his eyes like Adeline's, grey and empty. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't think of a memory. Shouldn't I be getting flashbacks? Why don't I remember......

"Having some issues my love?" Diane teased. 


"You have no right to use that word!" I couldn't even control my own words anymore, they just came out. 

"But honey bun!" Diane stepped closer, a hand reaching out like a hand in the dark. Like one of a childs who reached out for his mother.

"No!" I screamed. This has to be a dream. There's no way. 

Diane's eyes dropped a little, then burned once more. She nodded to the suit holding the older man. The suit pulled the older man to his feet. I could see all the scars now. All red with irritation and white with new tissue. His clothes sagged on his wrinkled, leathery body, like he had some how lost a great amount of mass.

"The more you struggle Smith, the harder this will be..." Diane's voice cooed as she leaned in to Smiths face. He thrust towards her with such might you wouldnt guess that he was a prisoner of war. Smiths forehead hit Dianes nose, causing an eruption of red in the white room. It dripped so delicately and smoothly on to the white tiles.

Diane screamed out in anguish as the suits regained control of Smith. One of them actually hit him across the face. Diane, after being given something for the bleeding, turned back to him with a evil that could never be described.

"Now it wont be as quick..." She mumbled out from beneath a white, blood stained rag then stormed off with women in white dresses following quickly behind her.

Oh no....

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