Chapter Three ~ Her Jiminy Cricket

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I sat there on the floor for a minute, lost in thought. The slow steady beat of Dani’s song playing over and over again in my head. I can’t imagine or fathom or even comprehend what has happened to me before all of this. I don’t even know where my memories are or how I freaking lost them. I feel like I’m trapped in one of those sci-fi movies…

I pull myself onto my bed and stare blankly up, straight into the cement ceiling, burrowing deep into myself. Trying desperately to grasp onto something tangible that makes sense in this world of the forgotten. I transported myself into my thoughts with my mere imagination, conjuring up filling cabinets that have been ransacked and broke into, papers and photos scattered everywhere with no connection to each other. My memory, looked like a crime scene but it was missing its prime suspect.

It was easier to think of it that way than how it was in reality, which was something more like ‘Strange places and strangers. Things I don’t know and things that make no sense at all. A forgotten memory of a life I once knew’. The main questions that were whirling, zigzagging and loopty looping through my brain were 1) How did I lose my memory and 2) How can I get It back.

Apparently, thinking them was easier than saying them because I’ve barely said a word to these people that I supposedly know and live with.

Lulu…my baby sister. She has been through so much for how young she is. I don’t see how she kept her innocence…her childlike attitude towards a world of cruelty. I can’t believe how strong she is. Then there is Dani, my best friend. She seems so introverted and distant from everyone…I don’t see how we are friends. And the twins, Marcus and Miranda, they are like polar opposites. I wonder what our relationship was before this.

A small knock echoed in my door then bright red hair and blue eyes poked in.


“Can’t sleep…?” He said with a smirk as he laid down next to me.

“What was your first clue?” I mumbled slightly, my eyes fixed on a small stain on the cement ceiling.

“Well, it is only 9pm…we used to stay up all night, just talking…” His voice drifted like he was talking about a lost lov- Oh wait….me.

“I don’t remember anything…nothing…I don’t know what’s going on here Chale!” For some reason I was almost yelling. “I don’t even know the date or where I am or…..or how old I am. And who is Smith! Why don’t I know anything anymore! Where did I go….” My own voice drifted. Somehow, in the midst of yelling for no reason, I wound up pacing in front of my bed and when I stopped and looked over at Chale, he was just smiling, like a love-struck teenager. “Why are you smiling!? I’m serious…”

“I’m smiling because you look exactly like you did before you went off for a few days. I know you’re serious, I just can’t take you seriously when you talk like that.”

“Talk like what?”

“Like you’ve never studied for advanced English or like you’ve never written half a novel. Like you don’t know who you are.”

“That’s because I don’t know who I am! Ugh! Just…just leave me alone.” I turned my back to him, like I was silently shunning him because he was right. I suddenly felt two hands grasp my shoulders, so I quickly turned and was face to face with the up most sincere look of love I have ever seen.

“Dae…I’m only just trying to understand what happened. We don’t even know what happened to you out there…I would tell you if I knew. Believe that Ill never stop trying to find you, no matter how long it takes. Promise me…that you believe in me, and what we had and still have…please.” His eyes watered and they burned my very soul just looking back into them.

“I promise.”

“Promise what.”

“I believe in you.”


When I woke up, I was inches away from red hair and dried spit on a guys cheek. Chale. Even though I should be grossed out by this, he still looked absolutely adorable. His hair was messy, but in a cute way that made me blush for no reason.

I pulled the covers off me slowly and eased my self out of bed, careful not to wake him, then froze when I looked in the mirror. I hadn't realized it until now that Chale was missing some clothes. He was my bed......and we slept inches do I not remember this....

I stood there watching quietly as his chest rose and fell slowly. It made me feel like some weirdo, just standing in my room, watching some guy sleeping shirtless in my bed but hey, Chale wasn't just some guy. He is my guy. Isn't this the kind of things couples do..or am I mistaken?

I felt my cheeks turn hot as his eyes fluttered open. I quietly, but quickly, made my way to my dresser so I didn't look like a creep.

"I've been awake for awhile now ya know." I have failed to hide my creepiness.

"Oh, well...good morning." I said with a cheery voice even though inside I was dying inside from embarrassment. I heard him chuckle then bare arms swept me into the air from where I sat and hugged me tightly. Utterly breath taking, are the only words I can use to describe him half naked.

"Just 'good morning' isn't going to cut it." He said playfully, as he rubbed his nose against mine, cradling me like a baby. "C'mon, you have to know what you used to call me. It starts with an 'L'." I just stared at him, my blush growing deeper by the second. " don't...." I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "You called me Love."


"I'm sorry," I paused."Love..." I looked up at him innocently and a smile spread across his face.

"Its alright couldn't have known given the circumstances." He let me down and kissed me on the forehead, telling me that he would be making breakfast for everyone today to celebrate my homecoming then left me with my thoughts.

I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. What could I do? I mean...what is there to do? I sigh, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Dae......Dae, come here.....Dae my dear.......I've lost you my Dae....." A woman's voice rang out like silk, but it wasn't really a voice, it felt more like a thought, like my conscious or something...

"H-hello....?" I whispered. Why am I whispering?

"Dae! My sweet, I thought you would never come back to me. I'm waiting someplace special, you would know the place know..." Now I figured out it wasn't my conscious, it was literately someone else in my head. "I'm not done with you just yet...." The voice drifted, sounding a lot more sinister than caring now.

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