Chapter Eleven ~ White

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The soft mattress below me shifted as I sprang up, eyes wide and wet with sweat. I looked around the room, taking in the white features I've known for a year now. The white queen sized bed that sat against the wall but across from the white dresser that had a half circle mirror on top of it. The white wallpaper that was speckled with little red roses and the white shag carpet that made my heart happy with every step.

I looked at myself, in that circular mirror ahead of me. I looked at my white hair, my grey eyes and milky skin. It all looked normal. But in the dream....I had blue eyes. I look beside me and there's Chale, drooling as always. I smile and push his faded red hair from his face then frown, remembering that in the dream he had much more vibrant color....

I sigh and slip out of bed an straighten my white silk nightgown that ended at mid thigh. Running my fingers through my hair I walk out the white door and into the hallway.

"Sissy!" A little girls voice screamed as a loud slam came from behind me and two skinny arms wrapped themselves around my waist. Lulu...

But in my dream she

Lulu bounced around to the front of me, her white hair gracefully following her every movement. Her big, innocent grey eyes looking up at me pleadingly, even though in the dream they were blue.....

She wore a white pj top with frilly white shorts that puffed out slightly. She looked so cute but....her bunny sweatshirt from the seemed more fitting.

"Sissy...?" I realized I had just been staring blankly at her. I probably looked like a deer in headlights.

"Yes, lil Lu?" I said with a convincing smile.

"It's my birthday remember!"

"How can I forget! It's not everyday that you turn twelve!" I said with a giggle then lulu jumped up and down happily then ran off down the hall to the kitchen.

I couldn't get the image out of my mind. Of the lifelessness. Of all the red. Of all my friends....

I shook my head and went on with my routine, which consisted of showering, getting dressed and putting on foundation. I never remembered liking anything else concerning make up. The colors just didn't seem right.

The bathroom, like all the other rooms in our house, was white. Sparklingly , blindingly white. I turned on the water and stripped off my nightgown, revealing only flesh an bones that streamed with blue veins. I never liked that. The color. A small knock came from the door and Chale's head popped in with a meek smile and red cheeks. 

"May I join you...?" His cheeks flushed more. So adorable....

I nodded and for the next thirty minutes it was complete bliss. Just me, Chale and the steamy water that immersed us in warmth. I never wanted it to end but we had to go to breakfast sooner or later, and with Dian- 

No no no no no! She killed them! She isn't who you think she is! Stop this now! We got to get out of here!

My brain erupted with thoughts. Of memories. So....the dream did happen? But.....I'm not Dae....I'm....

"Alice!" A woman's voice called from outside the door. "Birthday breakfast doesn't stay warm forever..." Her voice drifted as the sound of heels clicking against tiles faded.

What happened....

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