Chapter Nine ~ The Rabbit in a Waistcoat

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(This was originally supposed to be the chapter where Dae leaves the hospital and Smith was supposed to die more dramatically and with more finesse but, I couldn't bring myself to do so. And now we're here. Welcome to what was supposed to be chapter ten. I hope this chapter will clear some details of the story for you guys. Chales memory is the only one besides Dae's that we can delve into:P

~Penelope Scott<3

P.S. I think I might just make all these chapters one big part and then when I start writing the continuation make it part two. Yay or nay?)

~Chales Perspective~

My eyes flash open to bright lights. White. Too much of it. I blinked, adjusted then sighed as I felt the soft matress beneath me and the pure walls and floors. I rolled off the side and hit the tiles with such laziness that not even I could imagine it. I slinked over to the door which sat aross the room from the bed and below a screen that buzzed quietly over head.

I reached up, locked. Of course. But I've heard rumors that the guards will forget to lock doors because of all the memory scrambles and wipes. It's sad really.

I laid there quietly. Waiting. Thinking. Withering. Seconds passing by infinities. Sigh.


Please be okay. Please just be trapped in an alleyway and unable to call for help. Anywhere but here. Anywhere.

My love. You're merely a day dream away. I can already smell the sweet strawberry of your skin and see the brightness that eliminates from you every time you smile. The curvature of your back, trailing fingers down your spin. Shivers. I miss you. Why must you always escape my grasp.

I'm sure she's okay.

She's always okay.


Evenin the war, she was as level headed as if nothing was wrong. She was strong.

The war was horrid. When the states clashed and all hell broke loose. Bombs launched on neighbors and nukes thrown cross country. Devastation. Power hungry. Selfish. Cruel. War.

If I listened long enough, I could still hear the whistling of bombs and smell the deaf in the air. But I will alway remember the cloud. The mushroom that hit not to far from here. No survivors. No one. Gone.

I crawled back to my bed like a shunned animal and stared up into the ceiling. I guess the only thing to do now, is wait.


The seconds dragged. Maybe it was hours? I'm not sure, no clocks in here. Just left to my thoughts. Which mainly consisted of Dae and Lulu.

I hope they didn't do anything to her. They probably did. Bastards. They probably already wiped her clean and made her an example to the public. I heard her screaming earlier. I'm sure it was her. Dani wouldn't scream.

But then again Dani wasn't home when they left.

I tried not to imagine a colorless Lulu. Eyes drained and heart empty. Nothing left to hold onto. Dead inside and filled with falsities. It made my skin crawl.


A small sound escaped from the monitor above the door. It slowly lit up and Lulu appeared. Her checks pink and her eyes bright. Full of life. I smiled.

She only frowned.

"Chale....I want out..." She pouted, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.

"I know you do darling. We all do. But we can't. We don't know what's going on." I stood and walked closer to the monitor.

Lulus hair was a wreck and her bunny attire was missing. Even Fredric, her stuffed animal bunny.

"I miss Dae...."

"I do too Lu, I do too." I paced. There has to be a way out. Wait. "How did you broadcast to my room Lulu?"

"I found a remote!" She giggled and held it up in front of the camera and kissed it. "I've talked to everyone! Marcus, Damien, Ryder, Mia and you! I can't find Dani....." Her frown returned.

"Where'd you find that?"

"I was in my bed. I don't think it's supposed to be here...." Her voice drifted as she looked around.

"Keep that hidden! Put it back now. You don't know what they might do if-"

Too late.

The door to Lulus room slid open and two armed guards rushed in and picked her up. She kicked and screamed and bit and hollered as loud as she could. But it was hopeless. They carried her out and the door shut again. Leaving the monitor empty.

Left to my thoughts about my rabbit without her signature waistcoat and watch.

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