Chapter Ten ~ Black

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~Dae's Perspective~


I could feel it. I knew it. It was the only thing I did know. The one truth I didn't need. The one stone that could've been left alone. But instead Nancy Drew blew it to bits and all that was left with the glaring truth.

I'm going to die.

I fell back against my bed. It creaked and squeaked adjusting to my weight. Its only been a few days without my memory and I've already lost everything. My little love.....Chale. I don't even know whats going on. Nothing. Not a thing. I just managed to fuck it all up.

I look next to me and that little blue book with the white lace laid there. Beckoning me. Calling out like sirens. Read it. Read it.....just a glance wont hurt.

I grab the book and rip it open. Only to see blank pages. Nothing. Everything gone....lost forever in the black abyss of time. I flipped to the back and in small writing it read 'Renew last recorded memories?' and under it was a small black button. It was so tempting....that little button. Black and dark but full of light and hope.

"Press it! Press it!!" Diane's voice bellowed from inside my head. Screaming and screeching like a dying animal. "Press the button! Press it!"

"No!" I slammed the book shut and threw it across the room. The screaming stopped. I looked at the last drawer on my dresser then yanked it open and pulled out my gun and walked out of my bedroom.

"To the TV Dae....there's someone to see....." Diane's voice snickered.

In the living room I turned on the TV. The screen lit up with the scene of the white city and a crowd of people in front of a stage. On the stage stood five giant wooden crosses and Diane. She wore a wispy white dress and her long blond hair cascaded silkily down to her stomach with curls.

"Today, this glorious day in our triumphant 31st century of purity, some infidels threaten our perfection with violence." The crowd booed. "But! We have them within our grasp. They are ours now and those who are impure, have to be cured." The crowd roared with excitement as Diane signaled the guards and one by one they brought up five people dressed in thin white gownsand whom were chained up.


They all wore blind folds as the turned and stood quietly in front of their own cross. The crowd roared and cheered and threw rocks and various other objects at them. 

"Are you ready to purify these children?" Diane's voice boomed over the speakers. The crowd replied with a excited scream. Diane smiled and turned to the guards then nodded slightly.

All at once, they were stabbed in the stomach by their guards. Right in the center. Lulu screamed out and all I could do was watch.I could feel my eyes burning with tears as their gowns began to stain with red. Diane nodded once more and the five were picked up and their arms were spread full eagle and the guards nailed  the fives hands into the wood. By now, everyone was screaming out, bleeding and calling out for help. All except Ryder. He bleed, but he did not scream. He took the pain.

Blood pooled everywhere. It dripped off the stage and into the crowds and they loved it. They danced and sang and laughed and carried on. Happy. Niave. Pure Innocence. It was disgusting.

Next the guards nailed their feet in place. I couldn't watch anymore......I cant. But I couldn't turn away. My sister.....all nailed to crosses as a symbol for some ones sick idea of purification.

I looked down at my pistol and gripped it tightly. I looked around one last time, the walls....the floors.....the furniture....those forgotten memories. I lifted the gun up to the side of my head. I knew what I had to do. For every ones sake. 

All I did was cause pain. Damage. I did nothing but hurt others. I didn't help. I didn't contribute. I led people to their deaths on a wooden cross and for what? Purity. I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't. I will never believe it. I wont forget......I wont.....I wont forget Chale.......

"I love you....." I whispered.


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