Chapter Seven ~ Unforgotten

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~ Chale's Perspective ~

"Oh my sweet sassafras. Will you just shut the fuck up for five seconds? I cant even think straight with you rambling on about pointless bullshit." Ryder yelled out at Damien who was sweating bullets in the harsh heat, barely keeping up with the rest of us. "Fucking pussy. Am I right Chale? Oh wait....youre not an outside person either." He laughed at me then trudged on ahead with Marcus behind him, keeping pace effortlessly.

This, sucks. Weather here is too unpredictable. I thought to myself as i pulled Damien up onto the ledge with the rest of us in an old halfway destroyed house, or what I thought would be a house. I havent seen a complete one in ages.....not since the wars.......

I shook my head as I turned to what the rest of the group was looking at. Ryder ran his hands through his hands and mumbled a profanity looking kinda more frustrated than usual. Marcus with his signature smile instead looked blankly ahead with some misguided worry in his eyes. Damien....well he was wiping the sweat from his brow and started to put his headphones back in then froze, pushing his blond hair back.

Before us laid a white city, with towering white skyscrappers lined with mirror like windows that glinted in the abusing rays of the sun. You could hear the technology buzzing from where we stood. Propaganda lit up the sidewalks and talked to the people walking by with blanks stares and false happiness.

We found their city. The epicenter of the dictatorship for this region.....

"So now....what...?" Damien puffed out raggedly as his bright blue eyes shined up into Ryders, who didnt even look mad now.

"We go in. We get Dae. We kick ass. Then go home. The end." He said in a deep but monotone voice.

"You make it sound so easy....." Damien whined.

"It is that easy. You're just a pussy." Ryder grumbled as he sat down against the only wall that was standing and pulled his hood over his powder blue hair, covering his eyes. "We camp here till morning, then we go in."

I looked around at our surroundings. It mainly consisted of rubble,trash and what ever was left of old buildings that stood emotionlessly after the cruel bombings.

I could still smell that evil. The smell of burning. People dying and screaming. Bombs whistling through the air then tumbling down into destruction.

"Are you sure it's safe here?" Damien whispered for some reason. Despite his his looks, he really was quite the wimp of the group.

"Of course. Why would the blanks be looking for us so close to the city?" Marcus chimed.

"Oh...." Damien paused for a bit. "I hope Dae is okay....." He mumbled while we all laid or sat down against the wall and got comfortable for the night.

"She's got more balls than you. Even without her memory." Ryder chuckled.

"Balls or not, I still worry about her."

This perked my interest. "Why?" I asked.

"No reason." Damien sunk a little lower where he sat. This got Ryder and Marcus very intrigued. Ryder lifted his hood a little so you could now see his eyes as the caught the last light of day.

"Why do you worry about my love Damien?"I'm sure my face was red.

Damien sat there for a moment, thinking, like if he said the wrong thing the world it's self would implode. Hell, if he doesn't answer I might implode.

"Cause I care about her." He mumbled finally.

This enraged me. I lunged at him and pinned him to the wall with one hand and punched him as much as I could before Marcus was yanking me off him. Ryder didn't even budge.

"I saw this coming." Ryder grumbled then lowered his hood again and sighed.

"You know how Chale feels for Dae, Damien. You know this..." Marcus tried rationalizing.

"I know! But I do....I love her!" Damien called out with such hope in his eyes. I couldn't stand it. I struggled and fought against Marcus' grip but it was pointless. I was stuck listening to this babbling fool declare his love for mine.

"Explain yourself." I hissed out finally as I admitted defeat but Marcus still held on tight.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we know hardly anything about you. You were the last to join our group. The last recruit. I'd say now was a good of time as any to tell us your story."

"He's right." Ryder grumbled after I finished.

"Start from the beginning. When it all went to hell here. Start when we knew things wouldn't be the same again." Marcus said emotionless from where he stood behind me, his grip loosening.

"Okay....." Damien sighed then pulled his headphones from his neck and held them in his hands for a while, pondering where to begin, then finally looked up at all of us. "Well, when I was younger, my parents abandoned me and my little sister, Abigail. We lived on our own but most of the time we were homeless, which you didn't see often before the wars. Those horrid wars.....they took my little sister. During the riots, the people in white, the blanks, they took her away kicking and screaming. But seconds from when she escaped my sight, the screaming stopped and they were gone. Nothing. I had nothing without her. I promised her! I promised....."  His eyes watered as he looked down at his clenched fists that held his headphones. "Before everything, she gave me these....." He sighed. "I promised to keep her safe."

We all stayed quiet as Damien wiped the tears away from his red cheeks. There wasn't much to say. We all had our sad stories from before the war or something sad that happened because of it. Mine wasn't as sad as the rest, it was more of a relief in the end. Killed and gone went my family. Good riddance, I couldn't keep hiding those bruises and cuts.


I woke to a sharp pain in my gut. When I looked up Ryder was above me but facing the other way. He looked back at me with a fire in his brown eyes and I didn't have to ask what was going on. Blanks.

I stood up next to the rest of the group. Below us, a group of Blanks. Id guesstimate around twenty or twenty five, I don't know but I knew we might not win this.

I looked over to my left at Ryder. He jaw clenched tight and his eyes fixed on the woman whose heels clicked as she made her way through the Blanks. I could see his knuckles bright with white as he gripped his pistol. The look in his eyes scared me. To my right, Marcus. His shaggy hair blowing and his lips slightly curved to a smile like always. I guess he was always a happy person, even when facing something to treacherous. And behind all three of us, stood Damien. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and could smell his fear, or maybe it was just sweat....I don't know, I'm not an outside person.

As the woman in white reached the front, she cleared her throat and straightened her dress. Then with words like silk, she spoke.

"As far as I know, you four could be part of any rebel camp. But, I have memory Intel that says otherwise. Chale, Ryder, Marcus, and Damien. You four boys have committed treason against your Central and you are now under my custody." She smiled a little. "Word on the street is that one of you eliminated your last Central City Ruler, well I am his replacement. My name is Diane Burnwood and I wont be as easy." And with that, she turned and walked back to the white car and drove off, leaving us here to either surrender or do our worst. She didn't care. She knew.

But that name......Diane.........isn't that Dae's....? 

Oh no.

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