Chapter Five ~ The Naive and The Bitter

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The woman's voice echoed like silk in my head ,beckoning me out. Pleading sinisterly as I slowly walked out of my room and snuck through the living room and out the front door.

My breath made its way into my lungs as I fell back against the door. Like a weight had been lifted.

" got to keep going....come back to me....." Her voice sending shivers down my spine but I kept walking away from what I once knew.

I walked for what I guess was an hour before the voice said to stop. I looked around and there was nothing special about this place. I stood in front of what looked to be the remains of a old watch repair shop. It's door was boarded up and had a black 'x' on it, hmm, I wonder what that means....

Suddenly an image flashed through my mind, like an old movie. It was of me. A memory....?

I was being the people in those white suits. They were striking me with an old pipe that they found in the alley beside the watch shop. When I couldn't fight back anymore, they dragged me back behind the shop, and cut open my wrists and pulled out a small device that blinked red every so often.

I guess I blacked out or something because the memory skipped forward and the last image was from the window of a car. I was looking out at some could see the sadness and weakness welling inside him even though we were so far apart. I could hear him call out then the car turned and the memory faded.

"Dae....." The voice sounding much too real. "You've found me again my sweet angel....."

I turn to see a woman behind me. She wore a white dress that fit her like a glove. She towered over me slightly in her white stilettos. Her blue eyes piercing and white hair pulled back into a sweet, southern up do.

"Who are you..." I breathed out as I stepped back. She looked so

"What? You don't recognize your own auntie Diane? How rude for such a brilliant child..." Her red lips spread, revealing pearly teeth.

"W-what do you want..?" I couldn't breathe.

"I want you!" Her eyes lit up with such furrosity it looked like the flames of hell were piercing into my soul. "You're mine! You were always meant to be mine!"

Images flashed through my mind as Diane stepped closer, reaching out for me. Images if my mom showing me photos of her sister Diane but I hadn't met her in person. I remembered my parents yelling and arguing one night about Diane, and how she couldn't have a child.

"I don't belong to you! You're not my mother!" I didn't know where that came from. It's like my subconscious spoke for me.

I could see the heart break in Diane's eyes but I couldn't help her. So I ran. Like I always have.

I could hear her screaming but I couldn't pin point what she was yelling. But then I realized what it could've been when I heard multiple feet hitting the pavement behind me.

She had power....

I ran as hard as I could, my feet still bare. But at least I had put on actual clothes.

As I turned the corner, I felt something hard hit my stomach, draining the oxygen from my lungs. I keeled over, huddled on the rough road, as the white uniforms surrounded me. Then Diane came through the crowd and kneeled down next to me.

"One shouldn't run from those who rule this glorious nation...."


Then it all went black.


I woke to the sound of power tools and bright lights that blinded me, making me see shapes. I'm not in the road anymore...that I know for sure.

My vision cleared and all I could see was a light above me and the grey ceiling that seemed vaguely familiar. Shit.

Familiar things only cause bad things now.....

I began to sit up but was pushed back down by hands polished with blood red. I follow the arms to their owner and I'm sure I changed color as I saw Diane. Still looking perfect. Still looking sinister.

"Hello my angel, welcome home." Then her lips spread into a sweet smile but it only sent shivers down my spine, giving me goose bumps. "Now, now Dae...don't fret. Struggling only makes things worse." Then she stepped back and nodded to someone I couldn't see.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit....

I hear the dreaded noise of power tools revving, then a sharp pain erupted from my side. They were drilling into me!

I screamed out and twisted and turned, trying desperately to get away. But...they had already chained me down. I was stuck here with a drill delving into me.

"Open the cut, now." Pain shot through me as Diane's words were put to action. "Wider! It has to be bigger than that! Cut deeper!"

The pain was so unbearable. My screams and the sound of the drill filled my ears. I felt deaf and faint as my body filled with this numbness to the pain.

Then a siren blared over the piercing screams and drilling, red lights flashing everywhere.

"Red alert. Red alert. A prisoner has gone rogue. Red alert. Red alert..." Repeating over and over on the speakers over head.

The drilling stopped and I looked down to see that my right side had been torn to shreds. It gushed slightly with blood onto the drill that now laid beside her. She could see chunks of flesh caught in its rivets.

The sounds of clicking heels exited the room. She's gone.....

I look over and see a man in a white jacket hunched over at a table beside me. If there was a time to take's be now.

I slipped my bloodied hand from its chains quietly and tightened my fist around the grip of the drill.

This is so wrong....

I pointed the tip of the drill near the doctors head and hit the trigger, causing the drill to whirl. I pushed foreword and I closed my eyes tightly, hearing the drill make contact and mangle the mans brain.

After a few seconds, I stopped. The drill had almost jammed on all the black hair. The doctor fell over, drill buried in the back of his head, onto the white floors that were now speckled in red.

The sad part about he didn't even scream...or struggle. Isn't it human nature to fight? Fight or flight....

I slip my other hand from its chains then pull my legs free from its restraints. I cringe, falling over next to the doctor. I need to find something to cover this wound....

By now, the alarms were shut off but the red lights were still going strong.

I dragged myself over to the counter across the room and pull open a chore.


I pull it out and wrap myself up to the best of my ability, having to cover my entire body almost since once again my clothes were gone.

I slowly shuffle my way to the doors, big white double doors that seemed to sparkle with how white they are. I peek out the small window to see more white.

White hallways, lined with white tiles and people wearing white nurse and doctor outfits.

Them and their white....

As soon as the nurses passed in a hurry, I walked out. I went the opposite way in hopes it was the way out.

I limped along for awhile. Hiding behind chairs or hospital beds that sat in the hallways if anyone came by. Finally I reached what looked to be like a lobby. Out double doors lined with glass that glinted with glare, laid my resurrection. Freedom. The city. didn't look like the one before. It was cleaner...more white....people roamed the streets thoughtfully but with blank looks.

No no no no no....

Where ever I am, I need to get out now.

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