☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #4 ☆

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|| Veronica Ryan at the top, played by the stunning Vanessa Hudgens! Just pretend that her hair is chestnut brown xD ||

Date: 23/01/16, Saturday

Time: 12:34pm

Dear Mister Diary,

He looked my way yesterday.

When I say 'my way', that doesn't mean that he looked directly at me, but it was possible because he stopped drawing for a moment and looked up at me - or in my direction. I don't know, maybe he felt the way my eyes kept straying to him yesterday after school.

But he looked.

He noticed. Romeo, he noticed me, I don't care if he didn't know that I was the one looking.

Bye for now,

Hazel-Is-Enthralled-And-Content. B

P.S. I wanted to give my hand a break from all the long entries lately, so that's why this is so short. I'll write to you longer tomorrow, Mister Diary.

P.P.S. No news on the Maleficent/Ken thing either. But, I do think I'm going to need some more of that good luck with my dad tomorrow night. I'll tell you why soon.

Well, that's shorter than I was expecting. I keep focusing on that thought. Instead of the fact that Hazel likes - or liked - this 'Romeo' guy. Because, it's stupid that I'm even trying to not think about it, it's great news! Considering how upset she seemed in her last entry, I'm glad she was feeling better the next day.

That's good. Great. Fantastic. Excellent even.

I can't have that strange feeling in my chest, I don't even know her. All I am, is a thief and maybe even a creep to her.

Who steals and reads some girl's diary? This guy apparently.

It feels like forever since I stole it, but in reality, it's still the same day. And I need to put it back on that shelf tomorrow, maybe I'll even run into her, while I'm on the abandoned side of the school?

Nope. You don't want that, Hunter, then she'll know you stole it.

But I also want to meet her, know who she is, be her friend. So what do I do? Read more and forget all about her, or, read more and find her? The only sure thing is that I'm going to continue reading Hazel's diary.

Oh and, write my replies in a diary - more of an old notebook - of my own.

* * *

Remember that the genre of this is short story, and the chapter length varies depending on the length of Hazel's diary entry, or what time/day it is for Hunter :)

QOTC: What time is it where you are?

MA: 11:38am <3

- Chloe xx

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