Chapter 1: Last Normal Day

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You stepped out of the shower and onto the soft mat. You decided to wear something dark, so you put on a ripped jeans, black shirt, black Converse and, of course, a brown resistance leather jacket, just like Poe's.

Poe was like your older brother you never had. He found you, out in the snow, in a basket and under layers of blankets. He took you to General Leia and since then, she has been treating you like a daughter she never had.

"Oh, hey, Y/N." Poe greeted you as you stepped out of your room. BB-8 came rolling next to him.

"Oh, sup." You replied. "Aren't you two suppose to be training new pilots?"

"Well, yeah, but I woke up late. We're heading out there right now." He said.

"OK. If you don't get there now, Leia is going to kill you." I teased. He rolled his eyes, noogied me and walked away.

"Hey! You messed up my hair, Poe!" You yelled before he turned the corner.

"It was already messed up!" He yelled back and BB-8 beeped in agreement before they disappeared. You ran back into your room and stared into the mirror.

Oh, gosh, it is messed up, you thought.
You tied it in a messy bun, which turned out better than expected.

As you stepped out, one of the Red Squadron pilots spoke,"General Leia wants to have a word with you."

You noticed he looked kind of itchy. So you asked, "about what?"

"About the training with Master Skywalker." He replied without hesitation. "Follow me." He started walking and so you followed him.

Into the woods, you go. It was a quiet and peaceful day, where you could just read without any disturbance. Maybe later you'll come back.

If you ever come back. All the hope drained out of you. Your eyes widened in fear and you turned as white as a ghost. Will I ever see my friends again? That was the only thought that swam in your mind until you were swallowed in darkness...

Lol cliffhanger I'll be doing this as aaallllll the time.

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