Chapter 9: Confessions

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Y/N's POV:

His smile faded.

"Watch out!" He yelled, worry in his eyes. You were confused at first. Then, You felt it. You didn't make a sound. You looked at my right arm, but before you were able to see what happened, your vision blurred and you felt cold and numb.

Soon enough, darkness swallowed you and the last thing you saw was Ben sliding on his knees in front of you and a little while later, he stood up and before you, completely, blacked out...

*Le Time Skip*
You slowly opened your eyes, bright white light blinding you. You felt sore, your body feeling stiff. But you didn't mind being stiff. What bothered you was your arm.

Its like you could feel it, but at the same time, you couldn't. You tried to lift your right arm to see what was going on, but it seemed to be strapped in place. But, your other arm seemed to be free. You strained your neck to the right, just to see why it was strapped.

You cursed under your breath. You racked your brain for the memory on what happened to your arm. Then you remembered the Wampa biting your arm. That explains the silver robot arm taking the place of your real one.

The metal replaced your arm until your elbows. You could still feel, but not how you would feel things with your old hand. You could easily move it and it doesn't feel like anything different.

Before you could unstrap your arm, a First Order female nurse came in. "I see you're awake. Do you like your new arm?" She asked, with a smile.

"Umm, I guess so." You answered, unsure about how you felt, while examining my robotic arm.

"We couldn't give your arm skin, like what the rebellion did to Luke Skywalker's arm. The First Oder doesn't have enough supplies to generate skin. Sorry about that." She explained, while walking around, digging for some medicine.

"Its fine." I said. There is something about her. She seems too nice to be working here, for the First Order. I've never met anyone as nice as her. Its weird, but then its nice to meet someone as nice as the people in the Resistance.

When the nurse left, Kylo Ren came walking in, slowly.

"You're awake." He sighed in relief.

"How long have I been asleep." You asked.

"Four days." He answered. "So, how's your arm?"

"Fine. Weird, but fine." You said. He walked next to the bed and sat in the empty chair, his elbows resting on his lap. You leaned, so you can hear what he says.

"I can't take it anymore." He whispered, burying his scarred Face in his big hands.

"What? What can't you take?" You asked, trying to calm him.

"The past few days, when you were unconscious, I had a mental break down." He began. "You almost died, did you know that? You almost bled to death. Fortunately, Hux was able to get a ship going in time." He buried his face back into his hands, shaking slightly.

You didn't know it was that serious. What if I died? You thought. What happens to Kylo, then?

A flood of thoughts and emotions rushed into you. What will you do without him? Without his smile. His personality. His loyalty. His love. And that was when you realized you truly love him.

You sat up, lowering your feet off the bed, touching the cold, tiled floor and taking Kylo's hands, gently, away from his face. You spotted tears running down his cheeks, his eyes, red. He, too, truly loves you.

You places your warm hand on his left cheek and leaned in. Your red lips meeting his chapped ones. But you didn't mind it was chapped. He was still perfect to you. One of his hands got tangled in your F/C hair and his other hand rested on you waist. Your free hand wrapped around his neck.

You didn't know how long you have been kissing, but it felt like forever or time has stopped. He parted to catch his breath. He had dry tears on his cheeks, but, now, he had a smile on his face. You did, too.

"I don't know what to do without you, Y/N. I love you." He confessed, giving up to true love and his feelings.

"I love you, too, Ben." You replied.

Well, here it is. Its been a long time since I last updated this story. School crap and projects. So, I decided to make this a long chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading for more thrilling chapters.

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