Path 1: Light Side

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You turned around to face Kylo Ren. You held his hand and whispered, "please, come with me. We'll have a better life if we join them. Please."

He looked down, tears in his eyes. "But, I don't belong there. I killed my father. They'll forever hate me."

"No, they won't." You said, trying to comfort him. "Your mom will be happy to have you back. Please, Ben. For me. Please."

He, gently, touched you face and kissed you. "For you."

A smile grew on both yours and his face. You turned to the Resistance, hand in hand. The both of you put your lighsaber back on your belts and, slowly, walked to the Resistance.

"We'll join the light side." You announced, happily, but formal. Leia and Poe ran up though you, while Kylo stepped out of their way.

After Leia hugged you really tight, she walked towards Ben and stopped in front of him, thinking whether or not to hug him. But before she did, Ben jumped forward and hugged her, first.

"I'm so sorry, mom." He said, through his tears. "I love you."

Leia's eyes filled with happy tears. "I love you, too, son." Leia held out her hand to you. You took it and she pulled you into the hug.

You buried your face on Ben's chest, your arms around Leia and Ben.

You smiled, knowing you brought a family back together and found true love.

There you go guys. Here is your fate. If you liked it, please follow and vote.

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