Chapter 2: Mask Off

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You woke up laying on a table. It was slanted, so you could see who was watching you struggle to break free. Your hands and legs were strapped down.

"You're awake." Kylo Ren said in his usual robotic voice.

"Sherlock." You muttered. He growled through his mask. Then you realized you were missing your leather jacket.

"Looking for this?" He held up his gloved hand, clutching a chain with a dog tag hanging from it.

On the tag, engraved on it, was his name. No, not his name now, but his old name. Ben Solo. That's great, he'll never give it back, you thought, miserably.

"You better give it back." You demanded.

"I'll hang on to it for a while." he replied, stuffing the tag into his hidden pocket.

" So, why haven't you killed me yet?" You asked. "And why a mask, Ren. Are you hiding the hideous scar Rey gave you?"

He put his hands at each side of the mask. The mouth piece popped forward with a hisss and he lifted the mask off.

Wow he looks better with the scar, you thought. You just sat there, the cold metal table touching your skin, feeling miserable that you will never get Ben back.

"You just flipped your hair like you were in a shampoo commercial." You teased. Ben usually likes jokes. So why not try to get the humorous side of him.

He just stood there. You thought that under the mask, a horrible creature lurks. But you would've never guessed that Ben will still be there.

You knew he was around there somewhere in there. You just have to bring the light side out of him.

"You better stop making fun of me or I'll kill you on the spot." He threatened.

"Oh, masky, I know you won't do it because you are a wuss." You teased. But maybe you took it a little too far.

The red beam of his lightsaber was now inches away from your neck. You started trembling, and a bead of sweat rolled down your forehead.

"One more word, Y/N, and I WILL kill you." He concluded, emphasizing on the "will."

"If you don't want to die, let me train you. Join me." Kylo said, calmer than earlier.

"I will never join you." You growled.

"Then I will force you." He held his hand close to your face, like he was holding an invisible cup. You felt your throat tighten. You turned red from the lack of oxygen. He was torturing you.

Right before you passed out, he said "Be my apprentice. Join me."

"Never." You gasped, weakly. And the torturing went on for about one more hour.

When you were at the edge of dying, you choked, "fine. I'll join you."

"Good. I thought you were going to die before you said yes." Kylo said, satisfied. "Come with me." He took off the restraints and you fell to the ground.

"Ugh, do I always have to help you." He quietly complained. He lifted you, bridal style, one of your hands around his neck and the other swaying back and forth.

Useless To Resist (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now