Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Sunday, November 12th 20**, 10:20 PM

            “It’s hard to change the way you lose if you think you’ve never won.”

            Matt Nathanson - All We Are

            Fawn turned around the corner to find something terribly wrong.

            She nearly dropped her backpack, which she had used for her groceries when she saw the tall dark haired boy on the other side of the bridge’s wall, getting ready to jump down into icy cold waters below him.

            Fawn ran over, screaming for him to hold on, screaming for the stranger to stop.

            He simply turned around, his dark eyes seeming to look through her.

            “Mister!  Stop!” Fawn screamed, closing the rest of the distance between herself and the young man.

            She threw her arms around him and did the only thing she could think of to stop him dead in his tracks.

            She kissed him.


oh no, don't go there fawnie, that's a bad thing you're getting into :O

but what else is a short little girl to do to get him to stop from jumping?  it's not like she could pull him over the wall to her.... or could she? :P

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's a bit short (like all the rest pretty much :P but this is intended to be a short story so~ ^.^)

thanks for reading, comments are much welcomed ;)

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