Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Saturday, November 18th 20**, 2:34 PM

            “This one goes out to the one I love.  This one goes out to the one I’ve left behind.  Another prop has occupied my time.  This one goes out to the one I love.”

            R.E.M. - The One I Love

            A frown on his face, Galileo was being dragged around by Fawn again, and he was surprised time and time again by how strong her grip was.

            Her fingers firmly intertwined with his, Galileo was surprised again by how warm her hand was.

            “Isn’t the store that way?” Galileo asked, trying to keep up with her fast pace.  He pointed over his shoulder, a confused look on his face.

            “Silly, I’m not going to the supermarket, I’m going to the bakery,” Fawn paused for a moment just long enough for her to stick her tongue out at him before taking off again, hauling some serious ass.

            “We have a bakery in Dimity?” Galileo asked, making a face.  He had lived there for seven years and still had never heard of a bakery nearby.  It might have just been his lack of communication with his peers, especially since he had been pulled out of school by his mother to be homeschooled, as he was bored in classes.

            And with that, he had excelled in education, but had been lacking in social skills, but he was in his second year of college, majoring in foreign languages.

            “But of course we do, idiot!” Fawn exclaimed, wiggling her scarf up under her chin with her free, and her only gloved hand.  She had somehow managed to loose her left glove, which was not too tragic as she had knit them herself, and as she never was able to find matching gloves.

            “Where else would we get yummy bread from?” she asked, tugging him down an alleyway Galileo had never known of before.

            “And here we are,” Fawn grinned, waving her hand with a flourish, a smug look on her face as she nodded over at the small bakery, a light on in the window and the smell of freshly baked cakes and bread wafting out into the street when a young woman stepped outside, a paper bag full of bread and pretzels in her arms as she smiled at Fawn, her dark curs tucked in her knitted hat.

            “Hello Fawn, are you feeling better now?” the woman asked sweetly.  “And I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” she muttered, frowning slightly.

            “Oh yes, I’m feeling fine, thank you,” Fawn forced a very convincing smile.  “Thanks for worrying Miss Adler,” she said.

            “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but worry about one of my students,” she smiled sheepishly, her bright green eyes showing she was sorry.  She hoisted the bag up, smiling at them.

            “Well ma’am, I’ll see you in math soon,” Fawn smiled, looking back and forth, checking for cars before dragging Galileo across the street, up to the door of the bakery.  She gave her math teacher a little wave before pushing the door open, a gush of warm air pouring outside and warming her face.

            “Hey Mister-” Fawn smiled, ushering Galileo inside, letting go of his hand and letting the door fall shut again, the bells hanging above the door letting out a little ring as the top of the door brushed them.

            A cheery looking man with a messy tangle for a beard looked up, his blue eyes lighting up as he saw Fawn.

            “Fawnie, I haven’t seen you around here for a while,” he chortled from where he stood, pushing a few more loafs of dough into an oven and closing it, turning around, wiping his hand on his apron, grinning.  He had flour in his hair, and his beard, making it look gray and old, when he was not really that old, maybe in his late thirties.

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