Chapter 1

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I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto and Funimation Entertainment own it. I only own my OC and other things. Hope you enjoy!


(Third POV)- 4 years later-

After Kazu left Saki had went through a state of depression, but she had to push away her depression and take care of her daughter. Over time Saki's heart was beginning to heal. Her daughter Harumi was now 4 years old. Saki watched her admire the different color flowers. "That one is pink, blue, and orange...." Harumi was a very smart child, but had many flaws. She wasn't a morning person, unlike her father and mother, and never liked staying indoors. She had many others, but we won't go into detail.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I found," Harumi held up a blue flower that complimented her blue shirt. Harumi ran back in the house to give her mother a closer look. "Mommy isn't it pretty," Saki smiled at her daughter, and nodded.

 "Yes it is very pretty. Hey, why don't you go play with your toys while I make you some Onigiri and pickles. How does that sound," Saki watched as Harumi cheered leaving her mother to cook.

It was close to night time, and dinner was almost finished. While Harumi played with her toys Saki would sneak a glance every once in a while. 'She looks just like Kazu' She thought focusing back on her cooking. Once everything was done. Saki set up the table with food just for the both of them.

"Harumi the food is ready. Hurry before it get's cold," she heard Harumi's little footsteps come to the table. She watched as Harumi got into the seat, taking the napkin, and putting it into her lap. Saki looked at her for a moment, then burst out laughing. Harumi looked at her mother confused. When Saki saw her daughter's confused face, and stopped laughing.

"Harumi where had you learned that from?" She asked.

 Harumi then said, " I learned it from you," pointing at her mother. That made Saki thinking. 'Do I do that?'

Saki shrugged. She sat down and watched her daughter eat. Harumi stuffed everything in her face. Saki scolded Harumi. " Harumi! Eat slowly or you'll choke," Harumi obeyed and began to eat slowly. Both of them ate in silence. Once they were done Saki took the dishes, and began to clean them. Since it was only two of them it wasn't many dishes.

"Mommy can you read me a story," Harumi asked, walking over to the little library they had. Saki nodded and quickly put up the dishes. She walked to where their little library was, and picked a book called ' The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi' Saki knew this was Jiraiya's book that sold poorly. But she and a student of his loved it. 

Saki went and sat next to her beloved daughter, and began to read. Her daughter loved the book. Her favorite was Naruto, and how he went on all those adventures fighting bad guys. Naruto was someone she looked up to. Even though he wasn't real.

As time began to pass they started to drift off to sleep. All of a sudden the window in the kitchen opened.

(Saki POV)

I jumped up to look toward the window. 'I thought I locked that window ' I got up and walked towards the window closing and locking it. I was about to walk away when something caught my eye. I looked back towards the window. There stood a man with an orange mask wearing a cloak. I stayed calm acting as if nothing is there.

I walked away back to Harumi. Could it be that they came for her? No they can't have her. I knew that it was time. So I quickly gathered Harumi's things, putting them in a pack. I took some letters I wrote a long time ago for my nephew and for Jiraiya to read. I grabbed one more thing important which was a necklace in a shape of a half hearts. It held a small blue gem in it. Her husband's necklace was all she had of him.

Now Harumi would have something of him too. I had an identical one with a small red gem. Taking mines off. I put them in my hand. One day Harumi will give this to the one she loves. Running back out I shook Harumi awake. Harumi's eyes opened back up slowly. "Mommy! What's wrong?" I smiled at her. Tears began to pour down my face.

"Honey I want you to know that I love you. And that your father loved you very much. Never forget that. I want to give you these," I put the necklaces around her neck. " One day you'll give one of these to the one you love. Make sure he is the right person okay. And if he does something bad, but for a good reason don't blame him okay. Always be kind to others no matter how rude or mean they maybe, okay?" Harumi stilled looked confused, but understood what her mother was saying.

"I'm going to take you to your cousin Kakashi. You remember mommy talking about him," Harumi nodded. "Well he is going to take care of you for a while, okay. Remember to give the letters to him and Jiraiya. You'll know him when you see him. And only Jiraiya must know about your powers, okay." Harumi nodded.

" Alright let's go," I picked up her pack, and we ran out the house. I could sense the man's chakra following us. We were almost there. We couldn't stop. I look down at Harumi's face. She was scared and confused. I wanted to embrace her, but continued on.

I saw the gates come into view. I stopped. I looked back to see the man now a few feet behind us. Harumi looked back as well, taking in his appearance. "What do you want with my child ?" I asked. It was silent for a few minutes.

"Your daughter carries the Kekkei Genkai the Byakugan inside her, and I want it," His voice sent shivers down my spine. Though I had a the impassive expression. How does he know of her of her Kekkei Genkai?

"Though since you are her mother, you won't give her up easily," I glared at him. Power is all he wants. That is what all power- hungry men want. I turn back to Harumi.

" Run to the gates as fast as you can, and don't look back." Harumi took her things, and ran not looking back at all.

"Such an obedient child. I will like her once I have her," I got into my fighting stance. It's been a while, but I'm ready. At the same time we came at each other. The battle was intense, but at the same time I was losing. " Time to end you," He disappeared in swirls. I looked around I couldn't sense him anywhere.

"I've got you," his kunai went through my back, and out my stomach.

 "Your to late, she is in the hands of Konoha, and people who will protect her," I cough up blood spiting some out of my mouth. "You are right, but one day your daughter will be mine." He disappeared again, leaving me to die.

"I love you Harumi," Before I took my last breath I saw the Konoha ninja in the far distance.

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