Chapter 9

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Hello everyone hope you are enjoying this story it has been a while since I updated, but rest assure I will try updating more. So enjoy this chapter!


(No One's POV) -8 years later-

A lot has happened during the years Harumi spent in the leaf village. Friendship, Love, Happiness, Betrayal, Sadness, and Guilt. But Harumi fought through those hard times, and pushed her feelings aside to help others. She always had a smile on her face never once had she cried. Even when he left the village

Harumi sat in her seat listening to Iruka-sensei talk about their genin groups. Your probably wondering why she is in Iruka-sensei's class? Well after the Uchiha massacre the lone survivor of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke Uchiha wasn't in his right mind. And the only one to help him was Harumi. So Harumi asked the Hokage personally if she could graduate with Sasuke just so he wouldn't feel lonely.

So that is why she is in his class. As she listened to Iruka bicker she glanced at Sasuke. He seemed to be in deep thought. If only she could have stopped him from leaving. 

(Harumi's POV)

"Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno." Naruto then starts cheering now that he has Sakura on his team. " Sasuke Uchiha and Harumi Hatake!" Then it was Sakura's time to cheer while Naruto sulked. I was happy as well. I could protect Sasuke better this way. "Wait! Sensei aren't there suppose to be a group of three!" Sakura shouted loudly which was annoying. "Well there was extra student left over so we decided to put her with team 7," Iruka said. Sakura sat back down with a frown on her face.

I rolled my eyes. She is such a fan girl. I looked behind me at Hinata. She seemed a little sad. Poor thing doesn't have the courage to say how she feels. Unlike Sakura and Ino, Hinata is a quiet and shy person. She is one of my best friends along with Naruto and Sasuke.

Hinata must have noticed me staring at her, and looked my way. She gave me a small reassuring smile. I nodded and looked back at Iruka as he called out other team's names. An hour passed, and everyone went to eat lunch. I got up from my seat, and walked towards Sasuke. He looked at me his eyes softening. " Harumi aren't you going to lunch?" Sasuke said in a emotionless tone. "Yeah but I wanted to ask if I could eat with you," I smile at him. But he completely ignored me, and left. The door slamming behind him. I cringe at the loud sound.

I slowly walk to the door with a frown. Why can't he at least be nice? Though this is Sasuke. I opened the door walking out, and sliding it closed. I need to eat my lunch, before it's over. I opened my bento box, and started eating. The sky looked very nice today, and the birds were chirping. Everything seemed so peaceful. A bitter smile appeared on my face. Just like when he was here.

After finishing my lunch I went back to class. Tomorrow we will be assigned our team. I wonder who might be our sensei.

(Next day)

Our team was the last to see our sensei, and we were still waiting. I looked to see Naruto pulling up a chair near the door, and setting a chalkboard eraser between the sliding door. "Naruto what do you think you are doing?" I asked. He looked at me, and smiled. "That's what he gets for coming late. Surprise!" Naruto said grinning from ear to ear. I shake my head in amusement. Does he really think that will work?

"Our teacher is a Jonin. An elite ninja. You think he'd fall for that?" I smirked. Right on Sasuke. "Yeah Sasuke's right Naruto. Your so clueless Naruto!" Then we see a hand go for the door. And Sakura and I gasped. Then the door slid open, and the chalkboard eraser fell on top of our teacher's head. Then the room fell silent. Naruto then burst out laughing. "Haha look I totally got him! He totally fell for it!" said Naruto laughing. Though I was shocked at who it was.

It was my Onii-san. Kakashi! Sakura then started apologizing to Kakashi for Naruto's behavior. Though I sat there looking at Kakashi. Why didn't he tell me he was going to be a jonin teacher?

"Hmmm....My first impression of this group...Is that your a bunch of idiots," I face palmed. Wait! Did he just call me an idiot? " Did you just call me an idiot?!" I yelled giving him a murderous glare. This seemed to scare Kakashi. "Nononono! I mean their the idiots not you. My dear sis." My glare disappeared once he had fixed his mistake. "Wait! Sister?!" Everyone shouted which made me cringe.


"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves. One at a time." Kakashi says in a bored tone. "Introduce ourselves? Well what are we suppose to say?" Sakura asked. " Well things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, and hobbies. Stuff like that!" Kakashi said. Naruto then said, " Why don't you tell us stuff first." I smirked. He isn't going to tell you much. Kakashi then started telling them about himself. Which was really him saying nothing about himself. He was always secretive about that kind of info.

"All he really did was tell us his name," Sakura said talking to Naruto and Sasuke. I just sat there quietly waiting for them to say who they were. "Okay your turn, you on the right." said Kakashi pointing at Naruto. "Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup." I blow out a puff of air. Here we go again with the ramen. Then after Naruto it was Sakura. I didn't really care about her likes or dislikes. It was Sasuke's I wanted to hear.

"Now you," Kakashi pointed at me. I looked at him, " My name is Harumi Hatake. I like rice balls with pickles, and hanging out with my brother Kakashi, and nature. I hate snakes, tree nuts except for almonds, and my loud neighbors. My dreams for the future is to become strong, and protect the ones I love. My hobbies are cooking, cleaning, and playing instruments." I say with a smile. Naruto started to clapping in amazement, while Sakura gave me the evil-eye.

Which confused me, but I pushed that aside waiting for Sasuke's turn. " My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and destroy a certain someone." I felt chills run up my spine, as I looked down at my hands. Couldn't I have done something to stop him from leaving?

"Good! Your each unique and have your own ideas. We'll have our survival test tomorrow." he said. I already knew what Kakashi was going to say. I have been waiting for this survival exercise for a while. So I can show my real skills. "That's crazy we worked hard to get here! Believe it! What was that graduation test for anyway!"

"Oh that was just to select candidates to become genin or not. That's how it is. I decide whether you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at 5 a.m., and bring your ninja gear." I knew Kakashi wasn't going to go easy on us. Even if I am his sister, he wants me to prove that I'm worth being a ninja. ' And I will prove to him that I can do this!'  

"That's it your dismissed. Oh tomorrow you better skip breakfast. Or you'll puke," I looked at him flabbergasted. He doesn't want us to eat breakfast. ' He really is trying to kill us'  I sigh. I get up from my spot on the rooftop walking next to Kakashi. I wave to the others. "See ya tomorrow! An remember don't  eat breakfast," Then Kakashi grabbed my arm, and we both disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Hey guys and gals! Hope you are enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it. Please vote and comment. I really would like if you check it out my other stories, and I'll see ya later!



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