Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. I only own my OC. Hope you enjoy!********************************************************************

(Harumi POV)- Next Day-

We were now back at the Hokage's office with the captured Tora in our hands. I gave Madam Shijimi her cat before returning to my place next to Kakashi. Then the Hokage started to name different missions for us to do next. But really I didn't want to do any of them. They were all boring, and Naruto felt the same way. We craved for a real mission. Where we get to fight bad guys and save people.

"How dare you! You're just a brand new genin with no experience. Like everyone else you start with simple missions to develop your skills and improve yourselves!" Iruka sensei shouted. You have to be that loud Iruka sensei. "You got to be kidding me! Babysitting is not a mission it's just a stupid-" Naruto was cut off by Kakashi knocking him on the head.

Naruto then let's out a plaintive cry while rubbing his head. I snicker. Poor Naruto always getting hurt. "Naruto! It seems you don't understand the tasks you have been given," he then stops whining, and looks at the Hokage. Then the Hokage was about to explain the ranks of missions, but Naruto wasn't listening and started talking about Ramen. Which seemed more interesting than the Hokage talking.

"Silence!" He yelled. We all looked back at the Hokage. Kakashi then apologizes. "You always lecture me like your my grandfather or something. But I'm not the little brat that used to pull pranks all the time. I'm a ninja now, and I want a ninja mission!" Naruto exclaimed turning away from the Hokage. " Fine I'll give you a C-rank mission. You will be guarding someone," said Lord third. That's when Naruto started to guessing about who we may be guarding.

I didn't really care as long as I was leaving the village. "Now Naruto don't be so impatient. I will bring him in now. Send in our visitor," lord third said. Looking behind us we watched as the door slid open to reveal a man with a bottle of sake in his hand. He looked drunk from the way he was standing.

"What the? A bunch of snot nose kids!" He then takes a big gulps from his bottle of sake. "And you the little one with the idiotic look on your face. You really expect me to believe your a ninja," he said. I glared at the man. Naruto then starts laughing not knowing the man was talking about him. We all stood next to Naruto to measure our heights. I being the tallest, Sasuke second, Sakura third, and then Naruto.

Then Naruto looked at all of us. I shrugged, and stood back next to Kakashi. Naruto then tries to charge at the old man, but is stopped by Kakashi." What is the point in trying to demolish our client? Think Naruto," I say.

"I am Tazuna a master bridge builder, and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world. I expect you to get me there safely even if it means giving up your life," said Tazuna in a deep menacing voice. That's when I had a very bad feeling in my gut. How dangerous was this mission going to be? It was only a C - rank mission.

- Konoha gates-

We started walking out of the village, but stopped when Naruto cheered. I looked at him in confusion. That's when I forgot he hadn't left the village before. "Should I trust my life to this runt he's a joke!" Kakashi began to laugh nervously. "He's with me and I'm a Jonin. So you don't need to worry," Then Naruto begins to rant about him being the greatest ninja to ever live, and how he will become Hokage one day.

I truly did believe that he will become Hokage, and I'll be right by his side when he does. Tazuna then tells Naruto that he is a loser, and walks away. I sped up my pace so I was right next to Tazuna. " If you keep talking about Naruto like that I'll show you what true power is. Got it?" I say in a bitter cold tone.

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