Chapter 5

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I don't own Naruto it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. I only my OC, and whatever other things I put in the story. Please vote and comment if you like. Alright See ya!


(No one's POV)

Once the Uchiha brothers said their good-byes Harumi went to find Kakashi. It took her quite a while, but she soon found him. He sat in a tall tree reading a book. "Onii-san!" She yells out to her brother. Kakashi looks up from his book, and spots Harumi below him.

 Kakashi then asked, " Weren't you playing with Sasuke and Itachi?" She looked at him confused. Didn't he know what time it was?

"Onii-san it's almost nighttime. We should go home." Kakashi looked at the setting sun from above the tree.

"Oh I guess your right Haru. Let's go home then." Kakashi had disappeared from the tree, and reappeared next to Harumi. Harumi was a little startled, but she recomposed herself.  They started walking back home for dinner.

After about 20 minutes they finally arrived at the apartment.  Kakashi took out the key to unlock the door opening it. Harumi walked in first then Kakashi. Harumi looked around taking in her surroundings. It was going to take a while before she could get use to the place, but she would survive.

Though it was quite messy, but a little cleaning would do. She sat on the couch looking at the TV. Then her stomach started to growl. "Onii-san I'm hungry," she said. Kakashi looked away from his book looking at Harumi.

"What do you want?" He asked. Harumi shrugged. She was only four years old she didn't know what she wanted.

"Well what about miso soup with eggplant?" Kakashi seemed very eager when he suggested it.

Harumi the said, "Sure why not."

Kakashi then puts is book down on the table leaving to go towards the kitchen. Harumi then got off the couch to watch Kakashi cook, but a certain book caught her eye. "Huh? Make Out Paradise," she shrugged, and moved on to the kitchen. She watched as he grabbed each ingredient and utensil to make the dish. It amazed her to see Kakashi so focused on cooking.

"Wow your amazing! Onii-san," Kakashi smiled and thanked her. Harumi smiled at him. She was so innocent. Who would want to kill her mother? Was it for personal gain? Or something else? As these questions ran through his head he began to frown. However, Harumi noticed right away. 

"Onii-san what's wrong?" Kakashi looked at her face seeing that she was frowning too. "It's nothing. Just stranded in my thoughts. The food is ready why don't you go set the table," she nodded leaving me to make the plates.

(Harumi POV)

I went to the table that was near the kitchen, and looked for silverware, but I couldn't find it. I asked where they were. Kakashi told me it was in the drawer in the kitchen. Once I had got the silverware I put a spoon and some chopsticks on two sides of the table. I remember mommy use to tell me to set the table when it was time to eat.

I really miss her, but I have Kakashi now. I won't be lonely anymore, and now I have friends. Itachi and Sasuke. I smiled and finished setting the table. I couldn't let mommy see me sad. Finally, Kakashi came in with two bowls. I was jumping with excitement. This was going to be good.

We both sat down, and began to eat. Kakashi and I talked all through dinner. He had told me of his many friends he had in the leaf. He said I may meet them tomorrow. I asked him why. He said," I'm apart of Anbu. An elite ninja force that do A-rank and S-rank missions. I was called for a mission tomorrow. So I'll leave you with one of my friends. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you for the rest of my break," I nodded.

I really didn't want him to leave, but I couldn't stop him. And what if that man came back? I wouldn't be able to protect myself. "Kakashi. What if "- I tapped my spoon on the bowl- " he comes back and tries to get me?"

Kakashi looked at me with a grim expression. He then said," I could teach you a few things, and probably my friends as well," I looked at him stunned. Was he really going to do that for me? I got out of my seat and hugged Kakashi.

He was shocked at first, but soon relaxed. "Thank you Onii-san. For taking me in, and helping me," I felt tears pour down my face. I'm so glad I met you Kakashi.

(Kakashi POV)

My shirt was now wet from Harumi's tears. I felt myself wanting to cry, but held them back. It's been so long since I have felt like this. I was never going to leave her. I will do everything in my power to protect her. "Your welcome Harumi. Nothing will happen to you I promise. Please don't cry," I wiped the salty tears from her face. "Everything will be alright. Now will you help me clean up?" She nodded and took one of the bowls while I took the other.

And so we cleaned the dishes together quietly. That was until Harumi splashed water on my face. "Heheheh!" She giggled. She had a very cute giggle. "Well it looks like someone is in trouble now," she stopped her giggling, and looked at me slightly frighten. Then she took off running. I ran after her.

Since I was a ninja it was easier to catch her, but though quite difficult. For the rest of the night we ran after each other until we were drained of energy. Harumi was now sleep in my arms, snoring lightly. I carried her to her room putting the blanket over her.

I then went to my room and laid down. I was tired beyond belief. A goodnights rest would be good before work. My eyes then closed as I entered a deep sleep. My dreams filled with Harumi and I.


Hi! Once again I hoped you enjoyed this as much As I enjoyed writing it. Please tell others about my story if you wish, and comment and vote on how you like it so far. Sorry Naruto wasn't in this one, but the next one I promise he will be. Well See ya!


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