Chapter 8

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I don't own Naruto I only own my OC, and other things I decide to add on. So enjoy!!!


(No one's POV)-Next day-

Kakashi had already left for his ninja duties, and before he left he wrote Harumi a note. Saying that he would be back soon, and she would be staying with one of his friends named Guy. Though Kakashi thought it was a bad idea to leave Harumi with the hyperactive Taijutsu user. He didn't have any choice. All his other friends were on missions, and so the only one available was Guy.

And he also had made breakfast for Harumi before he left packaging it in a small container. And before he left he told Guy to be at his apartment at 8:00 a.m., because that is when Harumi wakes up. Guy was very excited to meet the Harumi. He wanted to tell her all about the power of youth, and how working hard was the key.

Then when the time came for Kakashi to leave on his mission he worried the whole time. But he had to focus on the mission.


Guy was siting in front of Kakashi's doorway waiting for it to be 9:00 a.m. He looked at his watch to see it was now time. He jumped up from the ground, and knocked on the door. He could hear small footsteps of a person walking towards the door.

 The door slowly opened, and Harumi peeked out the door. Guy then introduced himself, "My name Might Guy. The blue beast of the leaf. I'm here to protect you with my youth!" Guy had his winning smile, and giving Harumi a thumbs up, winking. Harumi looked at him like he was insane.

Harumi was thinking that this couldn't be the guy Kakashi had been talking about. But either way Harumi had to let him in. It was quiet cold outside. "Have you been siting out here in the cold?" Harumi asked. Guy never let the cold bother him, but it was very cold in the mornings. "Please come inside you may catch a cold," Harumi opened the door wider to let him in.

Guy walked inside the, and looked at the place. The last he had been here it was a total mess. But now everything was organized and cleaned. Guy thought it had to be because of Harumi. Since Kakashi has another person living with him he has to keep the place clean. Guy sat on the couch making himself comfortable. He had already started to like the atmosphere of the place.

"So you only know how to use Taijutsu," Guy looked at Harumi. Her long grey hair that almost looked white reached down to her back, and her grey eyes showing traces of sleep. "Why yes! With hard work and spirit you don't need Ninjutsu or Genjutsu to defeat a opponent," Then he bickered on and on about Taijutsu, and its advantages. This would have made other kids bored, but Harumi was listening with interest.

This was her chance to learn more about one of the basic jutsu types. She would become strong enough to protect herself, and her loved ones. Though Guy was quite shocked. A lot of the kids never really listened to him. Harumi had a expressionless face, but her eyes held something else. They showed excitement and determination. And that made Guy so happy he started crying.

"Guy are you okay?" Harumi walked over to him to check if he was alright. Guy raised his head to look at Harumi. "I'm so h-happy someone wants to learn Taijutsu. So much youth!" Guy continued to cry tears of joy while Harumi sat there, and watched. She wondered how he became the great blue beast of the leaf in the first place. He was so melodramatic.

Guy jumped back into his normal self, and asked Harumi something. " Do you want learn a few moves?" This made Harumi happy in a instant. "That's great! I would love to learn Taijutsu!" This almost made Guy cry once more, but grabbed Harumi pulling her into a bear hug. " Are you an angel from heaven!" Guy squeezed her tightly.

"G-Guy can't breathe.." Guy apologized and had let her go. Harumi told him she would get ready, and then they can start. Harumi was beyond excited she was ready to learn, and was going to work hard. Though Taijutsu may not be that easy as she thinks. Especially with Guy. He took his training a little too far.

Harumi came back out her room with her regular outfit on. When she had walked back to where Guy was she literally was going to faint. Guy was walking on hands shouting about youth. ' What is with him' Harumi thought. She walked over to him catching his attention. "Oh good your ready! Let us travel down the path of youth!" He then raced out the door Harumi not far behind him.

They went to a different training ground which was surrounded by trees and animals. "Where are we?" The young Hatake asked. Guy jumped from the ground landing on his feet. "We are at my old team's training grounds. This is where I'll will teach you some Taijutsu," Harumi grinned jumping with joy.

"Alright I'll give you a demonstration first," Guy then did something mind-blowing. Guy started spinning rapidly, and with a strong high kick he said, "Leaf Gust!" Then his leg hit one of the trees near him. Harumi started feeling bad for the tree. But that wasn't her main focus right now.

"That was amazing Guy!" She cheered. Guy flashed a toothy smile at Harumi. "Okay now it's time to get to training," Guy went through many moves of Taijutsu, and what offense and defense was. Harumi listened with interest. She never thought that Taijutsu would be so complicated, but she would bear through it.

Sitting on a tree there sat the Kakashi of the Sharingan. "Guy what are you doing?" Although knowing full well what they were doing. "Kakashi! I see you are back from your mission. Your sister is a fast learner. Harumi show Kakashi what I have taught you," Harumi then did the same move Guy did early. "Leaf Gust!" Harumi's leg went through a nearby tree watching as it fell to the ground.

Kakashi was surprised. How could someone so young be so strong. And that move is for higher rank ninja, and she only learned it in a day. " In the future you would be a wonderful Taijutsu user," Harumi thanked Guy, and then jumped up the tree Kakashi was on. "Kakashi!" Kakashi grabbed Harumi before she fell from the tree pulling her into his embrace. "Hello Harumi how was your day?" Harumi told Kakashi everything that happened the moment she woke up.

Guy was stood there watching the two talk, he smiled. The young Hatake girl changed the Kakashi in a way. He was happy than before. Gai then said," Well I'll see you later I have a lot more training to do," Guy then ran off at high speed to do some more traninig

Kakashi jumps down from the tree with Harumi in his arms. "Well today was an eventful day. Why don't we go home," Harumi nodded, but before they left she asked, "Kakashi can I have a piggy back ride?" Kakashi stared at Harumi for a second, and then threw her in the air. "Ahhh!" She then landed on his shoulders holding on tightly to his head. Then Kakashi sprinted off towards the house with Harumi on his back laughing like mad person.


Hey guys and gals hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and vote if you liked it, and please share my story. See ya!



Harumi Hatake [Naruto Fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum