Chapter 7

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I don't own Naruto I only own my OC and other things I add on. Enjoy!!!


(Kakashi POV)

Harumi talked about everything that happened today. I was amazed at how she didn't run out of breath while talking this much. It made me happy that she was enjoying her stay here. Once we arrived at the apartment. Harumi asked me what we were going to eat. I shrugged, and opened the door letting her in. "Well how about rice balls...." She seemed thrilled about the idea. 'Rice balls, I guess'  I  went to the kitchen, and grabbed the ingredients. "Do we have pickles?" I looked at her with a questioning look.

"Cause I like pickles with mine." She looked back at me with a closed eye smile. 'Hey that's my signature smile'  I nodded, and watched as she walked away. I went back to cooking making sure everything was right.

I listened as Harumi began to hum a tune that was quite beautiful. Then she stopped humming, and began to sing quietly. But I could still hear it either way. "Turn your face towards the sun. Let the shadows fall behind you..." Then she stopped singing. I wonder where she learned that song from. She had such a beautiful voice.

I listened as she walked back to her room closing the door. I went back to making the rest of the food. After a while I finished making the food, and called Harumi. She came back with a huge smile on her face. I then set the plates down on the table neatly. Harumi sat down, and then began to eat. At first it started out quiet until I had mentioned her singing.

"You sing very well. Where did you learn that song," Harumi smiled a bitter smile. "I learned it from my mommy." Then she changed the subject." These are really good Kakashi. Especially the pickles," a joyful smile replaced the bitter one. "Oh why thank you! I know I'm a good cook," I said with my chest puffed out with pride. She laughed.

"Though not as good as my mommy. Still needs work," my self-confidence disappeared as I looked at her. "Well that's mean." She giggled  as I began to eat slowly. Then she stopped giggling, and stared at my face. "Kakashi do you have a girlfriend?" I sweat drop at the question.

" I don't have a girlfriend. I don't need one right now. I have responsibilities as a ninja of the Hidden leaf village. Soon you will become a ninja if you want," she nodded happily. Once we finished I cleaned the dishes, and was going to change out of my clothes," Kakashi can you teach me a jutsu?" Harumi asked me. I looked at her with a concerned look.

I don't think she is ready to learn jutsu, but it wouldn't hurt to teach her. "Alright I'll teach you a jutsu. Just let me get changed first," she nodded happily, and ran back to her room. I went into my room, and changed in something more suitable and comfortable.

Once I came out of my room I saw Harumi looking out of the window. She looked at the sky with a sad face that would make your heart break in a second. "Harumi you ready?" She snapped out of her trance, and looked at me with a smile. "I'm ready! Let's go!" She ran towards the front door jumping with excitement.

- Third Training grounds-

Harumi and I were now at the training grounds were I use to train with my team. "Alright Harumi! We are going to see what your chakra affinity is." I pull out the two pieces of chakra nature paper holding them in front of me. "This is chakra paper. It is used to tell what your chakra affinity is. So if you have a lighting affinity the paper will wrinkle, fire the paper will ignite and turn to ash, wind the paper will spilt in two, earth the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away, and water the paper will become wet. You get it Harumi?" Harumi nodded.

"For example, my affinity is lighting. Usually all Hatake affinities are lighting, but yours could be different," I held up the paper for Harumi so she could see it wrinkle as I applied my chakra. I then explained to her about chakra, and how it works. She seemed to be taking it all in, and trying to understand.

"I'll give you chakra paper so we can see what your affinity is, okay." I said.

"Okay,"  she responded. I gave her the paper, and I watched as she applied chakra to the paper. Something unexpected happened when she applied the chakra. The paper wrinkled then it became damp. I thought it was quite shocking to have two affinities. "Well it looks like you have two affinities Harumi," she started to looked worried.

"Am I suppose to have two of them?" I didn't know how I was going to answer that question. " shouldn't be a problem. That means I'll train you in both Lighting and Water natures." Harumi nodded and we both continued the lesson. After a while I talked about moving chakra to different parts of the body. I gave her a few examples then I let her try. For a four year old she was pretty good, and learning quickly.

After that we finally got to the jutsu part. "Now I will teach a basic jutsu learned by academy students," I then started teaching her the body replacement technique and the shadow clone jutsu. She had made a perfect shadow clone on her first try, but was having trouble with body replacement technique.

"It's alright Harumi. You'll get it next time when we come back, but before we go I want to talk to you about the main jutsu types. Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu are the main jutsu types. There are also sub jutsu types, but we will go into that later. Genjutsu only produces illusions to distract the victim. Ninjutsu require chakra and hand seals, but that may not always be the case the usage of weaponry qualifies as Ninjutsu. And then there is Taijutsu which deals with techniques that involve martial arts or natural human abilities. And it doesn't really need chakra unless to enhance techniques. got all that?" Harumi looked at him dumbfounded, but quickly nodded understandingly.

"Okay good now let's go home." Both Hatake's left back to their home. Both still reminiscing on what had happened today.


Hey guys and gals hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I hope I cleared up somethings that you probably didn't understand from Naruto. Just for the people who are starting to watch Naruto. So please comment and vote if you like. See ya until next time! And I hope enjoy the song by Kana Nishino. I love this song. And I also used the song Towards the sun by Rhianna cause I thought it would go well for the yeah.



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