Makeover part 1

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*Maxine's POV *

"Maxine?" Sob "i'm gon-" sob "im gonna" sob "i'm gonna miss you!!" My best friend wailed. Honestly, if I wasn't about to leave far away, I would be kicking Clarissa's butt for making a scene at the airport. Not to forget that my stuff are heavy and she's making it worst by clinging to me.

"Clarissa, I'm not dying yet. I'll come back in 6 years!" I reasoned with her.

"But you'll be gone!! It's the same as being dead only that you have no grave I could visit."

This girl's imagination is a bit...

"I'll call you from time to time!" I sighed.        "No" she screamed.

"Clarissa? Come on now, stop crying." She just shook her head.

"Flight to San Francisco class A"

(Author's note: ok, sorry, I don't know what they actually say. Ain't nobody got time for that :P )

It was time to leave.

"Ok Clarissa, time to go crybaby, let go now." I tried to pull her away. I really did.

"Never!!" she shrieked, clinging tighter if that's even possible.

"Let go now please" I asked a bit calmer.

"No way in hell am I gonna do that! You can't just leave me! Only you understand my craziness!!"

This girl can be strong when she wants to. We met when we were in 6th grade and honestly, we just clicked. She tells me her secrets, I tell her mine. Well, not really. She usually just figure it out herself and ask me if she was right. She was the best and craziest best friend I ever had.

Well, not that I've had a best freind before...

"Clarissa, honey, we have to go now. The plane's not going to wait for us" My aunt finally said. She was quiet the whole time. My aunt was the kind who would just quietly observe, give you whatever you want as long as it's harmless and what I really love about her is that she respects your privacy. I don't know, I just really care about privacy you know.

"Get away from me, i won't let her go!" Clarissa screamed while my aunt tried pulling her off of me. Ok, we were seriously making a scene.

"Dude, it looks likes you guys are having a threesome." This weird boy about my age whispered to me. I know for a fact that my face was red. Acka-awkward...finally, the guards came. Poor them, Clarissa started scratching their faces, kicking like a mad horse.

"Maxine, we should go now" my aunt started walking. After a few steps, I turned around, let go of my luggage and ran to her. "I'll be back, don't cry. Sshh..." I hugged her. It calmed her down.

"I'm gonna miss you" she whispered.

"Me too. Me too...." I picked up my luggage and went after my aunt.


"We will now arrive to the airport. Welcome to San Francisco!"

I woke up, wiping my drool off my face. I don't even know since when I fell asleep. I was just watching Kung Fu Panda and it was awesome I tell you! I was grinning like a maniac all along.

In the airport, I saw a bunch of people with papers in their hands. Either a name or a company would be written. Some people were crying, some hugging, most would hug AND cry at the same time. The heartless ones would shake hands.

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