Little Sister

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Hi you guys, how's everyone? Seriously, it's only been the 3rd (?) week of school and I'm already bored out of my mind! My school's been giving a lot of slips for campout, gym strip, field trips and they all require money. I'm too scared to give it to my parents since my bloody uniform was waaaaay too expensive. I mean, wth, $100 for a skirt. Just skirt. And I need two!! Any suggestions on how to tell them? Campout's tomorrow!!!

Err.... Sorry for yapping about my problems :P


(After school)

*Maxine's POV"


"Time to go home with us Maxi!" Danny tapped my shoulders impatiently.

"Would you just wait, I'm still packing! Sheesh!" I pushed him away.

"I'm seriously missing my xbox! Training you meant leaving my xbox alone for a while!" He grunted.

"Sigh... Let's go then"

When we got out the gates, a black.... BMW was there. Whoa, I know nothing about cars but I'm pretty sure BMWs are very expensive!

"Oi, Maxine, let's go!" Danny nudged me and went inside the car. Wait a minute, you mean th-that's THEIRS?!?

"Hurry up woman!" Maddi yelled.



"So Maxine, how far is your house?" The twins' mom asked.

"About 15 minutes Mrs-"

"Please call me auntie! The twins kept talking about you! They looove you sooo much!!" She beamed.

"M-mom..." Danny started.

"Please shut up." Maddie finished; both were blushing.


After that, it became reeeaaaallly awkward. But well, their mom were oblivious to it. She kept asking about my studies, my family and my... Love life. You know, like what mothers would usually do when they have their children's friends over.

Well, most do at the very least. Mine just works a lot. Heck, my parents know nothing about me. They just work for money. Then again, it's not like I want them around since all they do is fight each other. They cuss, break things, yell around and dad would hurt mom.


*Danny's POV"

"Maxine?" I shook her. We were just sitting in the couch watching TV since Maddie said she wanted to take a shower.

Maxine was just day dreaming so I ignored her and watched TV when tears streamed down her cheek.

"Hey, you alright?" I tried again. No answer.


She flinched. "Sorry, what?" I wonder what made her cry.... Rick?

"Is it Rick?" I started rubbing her back but she just looked at me with a confused reaction.

"W-what? Why?" She stuttered.

"But you're crying... What's wrong?" It's not Rick, huh. Oh god, is she being bullied? No, she couldn't have been. I made sure the guys wouldn't dare. Maddie did the the same thing too. Is someone disobeying us?! They better hide, they're dea-

"I was just thinking of my parents. Sorry, I didn't mean to go all dramatic on you." Maxine said sniffing.

She didn't grow up in a happy family, huh. This child is so sad....

"Mind telling me?" I tuned off the TV and looked back at her.

"Haha, I'm pretty sure you don't wanna hear me go all drama queen on you." She sniffed.

"No, really, please. It's better to let it all out."

She stared at me for a second and sighed.

"Ok, i'll tell you about my parents.." She sniffed and started crying.

"Wanna go buy ice cream first? It's just down the street!" I asked, hoping it would help her feel better. It hasn't been long but I treat her like my little sister.

Ever since she transferred to our school, she's been part of our family. Maddie and I talked about adopting her. Well, we had different ideas in our mind. She said Maxine would be a good dog with a mouth like that. Yeah...

"I want strawberry ice cream!!" Maxine started hopping up and down.

"Strawberry it is." I grinned. I really want some of that cookies n' cream ice cream...


See? My stomach agreed.

"I bet we're not just here to make me feel better!" Maxine giggled.

"But y-you do know that's my sole purpose right?!" I blushed. Dammit, this is embarrassing...

"Uh-huh! Thank you by the way." She nudged my arms and hugged me.

Sheesh, I just can't stop taking care of this girl.

Despicable meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang