Friendship with Maddie

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Maxine's POV

Uurgh, my body's sore... I thought sleep would help but obviously it didn't.

"You look worst than my Grandma" Maddie smirked beside me.

"Too bad she's not baking us cookies" added Danny.

I hadn't realized the twins sandwiched me in the middle. No wonder even though there were so many people no one's pushed me out of the way yet....

"Gee, I wonder why" I rolled my eyes.

"Your fault for being such a wimp" said Maddie.

"Now, now, she just needs to have.... A bit more training and she'd be athletic." Danny sounded like he was reassuring himself more.

"She need MORE than a bit of training you dick head!" Maddie snorted. How unlady-like.

"Isn't it a tad early to insult people?" I grumbled.

"People? Yeah. You? It's never too early." She shrugged.

I was about to yell at her when Danny interrupted us.

"Hey, hey, come on! Sheesh, it's too early you two! Maddie, stop it. Maxine, control yourself." We both looked away and I huffed.

After sitting down to our class which was like the only class the three of us had together, we were pretty silent. Of course, we would still insult each other but with a whisper so the teacher won't hear us.

"Slut" I whispered.

"Wimp" she narrowed her eyes.

"Plastic" I hissed.


"Hey, isn't that the girl from yesterday?" Since Danny was in between us, we have basically jammed him in the middle.

"Where?" I asked. He pushed both of our heads away from him and pointed in front. Sure enough, a brunette wearing a dress and heels was sitting in front of us, taking notes.

"Nerd" Maddie huffed.

"Just because she studies and you don't doesn't mean she's a nerd. Who knows, you'd probably be plumbing her toilet in the future." I gave her a look.

"Well, at least I'd be seeing something more beautiful than your face at work." She smirked.

"Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends~" Danny sang quietly.

"Ok, class is over." The teacher slammed his book shut. We were the last to come out so I heard him say something in the lines of "god dammit, why do I see little shitheads everyday?!" I shook my head disapprovingly. Teachers should be a good example for his students to follow. No wonder most teenagers are doing bad stuff these days....


"Awesome! New record!" Danny fist pumped while I just lied down the field, panting for dear life. It's been months since I started training with Danny. So far, I lost 4 kg, I can do several push ups and I've gotten skinny.

"You could easily beat the fastest runners in this school!" Danny smiled at me.

"Really? So I'm possibly the fastest runner in this school?" I beamed at him.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah... Hold up." Danny held his hands up. "After me, of course."

"And me" Maddie added. She's currently sitting at the grass, texting away at her phone.

I frowned. "So i'm NOT fast..." Danny lifted his eyebrows. "No, you're pretty fast. It's just that it would be reaaallly hard to outrun the two of us." He shook his head.

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